Thursday, January 23, 2020

ABC7 News Forced to Acknowledge Bias Against Senator Bernie Sanders

Here is a secret that everybody knows: the major news media does not like Bernie Sanders.

They went to extraordinary lengths to try and discredit him and bury his candidacy during the 2016 election, even though his candidacy was, most likely, the strongest one in terms of going from seemingly nowhere and virtual anonymity to virtually toppling the mighty Hillary Clinton propaganda machine. He warned that the machine was rusty and not reliable, and some "experts" laughed him off at that point, waved their arms and dismissed him.

Then in November, nobody was laughing anymore. Hillary's supporters, apparently unaware that so many people hated - even absolutely loathed - their candidate, were shocked - Shocked! - that she lost the election that she and her supporters had taken for granted. Many were in tears afterward.

Were lessons learned?

Well, the mainstream media seems intent on doing the same exact thing to Bernie this time around, as well. So apparently, no lessons were learned.

Here is one recent example by ABC7 News, which had to apologize for their blatant disregard of Bernie Sanders after receiving a ton of complaints about this ridiculous and obvious (and I might add, predictable) slight:

During our Hot Topics discussion, we asked viewers to weigh in, in our non-scientific poll, and let us know who they support. Because there are still so many Democratic candidates, Senator Sanders and others were grouped into the "others" category. Supporters of Senator Sanders were loud and clear, saying he should have been among those candidates listed on-screen in our viewer poll. We agree, it was an error in judgment. Senator Sanders is a top-tier candidate.

This was the statement by ABC7 effectively apologizing for their "forgetting" to add Bernie Sanders as one of leaders in the polls. They lumped him in with "others" who's poll numbers are nowhere near as high as Sanders. Funny, that kind of thing never seems to happen with Biden or Buttigieg, eh?

What a great job on the part of supporters of Bernie Sanders to call them out on this absurd and very self-serving hypocrisy! Good job! Keep the pressure on, and make the media do their damn job already, instead of constantly failing us with transparent partisanship!

Below is the link to the article that I used in writing this particular blog entry, and from which I obtained the statement by ABC7:

ABC7 News statement on Midday Live poll and Senator Bernie Sanders by ABC News, January 21, 2020:

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