Friday, January 24, 2020

Mainstream Media Going Hard at Bernie Sanders Now That He Seems To Have a Real Chance at Winning

It is very predictable. You almost feel like it is a broken record that keeps playing the same part of a song, over and over again. 

As soon as Bernie Sanders seems to be making noise and a real splash in the Democratic primary, with the Iowa caucus now three weeks away, and the New Hampshire primary just a little over one week after that. The latest polls have shown Sanders with a real chance in Iowa, as well as in New Hampshire. 

So naturally, suddenly, there are stories that try to throw dirt on Sanders, suggesting that he had tried to trash Democratic rival Elizabeth Warren. 

Sanders is denying it, challenging the media to point out even one time that Sanders spoke even one bad word about Warren. 

Hillary is back to attacking Bernie Sanders, predictably. She might have learned a lesson from 2016, you would think. Maybe not to assume that people should inherit the Democratic Party nomination, but to work hard and earn it. But we all knew that she was too petty and self-satisfied to actually learn anything, and so once again, she is trying to be relevant in yet another election for the White House.

You know, because it worked out so well last time. Pathetic.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is, rather inexplicably, surging, according to recent polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire. The guy who has no new ideas whatsoever, and who feels like the 2020 version of Hillary 2016, suddenly is surging, and just in time for the primaries, despite not really showing much. If Sanders does seriously challenge him, as many expect, can he win? It is not looking impossible anymore, for sure. 

Sometimes, I feel that this country’s political climate is hopeless, that the cards are stacked so strongly against any serious progressive, that there is virtually no chance that a candidate – no matter how liked or trusted, and no matter how many thousands of people attend the political rallies of progressives – with truly progressive views will ever actually win the nomination.

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