Saturday, January 25, 2020

There is a Complete Absence of Limits With the Trump Presidency

This man knows no limits. He has apparently been bragging about withholding information that could and should be used during his impeachment trial.  

And you know what?  

We all knew that this was going to be the case, including his supporters. That appears to be one of the things, if not the main thing, that they love about him. He seems immune to the limitations that govern the rest of us. When he claims that he is above the law, that as president, he can do anything, he is bragging. And this is precisely what his supporters and loyal followers want to hear.  

The Republican Party has become completely loyal to him, to the point that many view them as the Donald Trump party nowadays. Whatever used to exist of what once was the Republican Party is gone. Now, the members of the Donald Trump party that are handing out stress balls during the impeachment, or making paper airplanes and catching up on online streaming or whatever else they are doing, are effectively giving him de facto dictatorial powers in this case, letting him not only disregard Congress in their desire to obtain key documents and evidence, but also in bragging about it, not to mention outright letting him get away with what, nonetheless, is clear wrongdoing with the Quid Pro Quo. Yes, despite his withholding evidence, Adam Schiff made an overwhelming case not only relating to Trump’s guilt, but that he is deserving of being removed from his office.

Wish there were some adults among the Republicans in general, not to mention their millions of followers, who would take this seriously. 

Trump outright brags he's withholding 'all the material' to beat impeachment by Kathryn Krawczyk,The Week•January 22, 2020:


  1. Oops -- double negative in headline -- but very good blog.
