Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Trump's Middle East Plan is a Fraud, Much Like Everything Else From This Presidency

Amidst the impeachment proceedings in the Senate, Trump unveiled his long awaited (at least by his supporters) Middle East peace plan yesterday.

In typical fashion, Trump applauded his own efforts, and called it the "Deal of the Century."

Many experts, however, feel that it is something else entirely. 

In this short video, BBC's Jeremy Bowen summed it up quite succinctly:

"It is not a peace negotiation. It's a set of terms which the Americans, with very strong Israeli backing, are effectively dictating to the other side in a very long-running conflict."

That was how I felt about it as well. It just felt eerily reminiscent of the terms dictated to Germany following the end of the "Great War, and which sparked the lust for revenge in Germans which would eventually manifest into the rise of Hitler and what then became an inevitable march to yet another world war, which was even more devastating than the first, in many respects.

Palestinians were not even invited, and they already viewed Trump as transparently biased in favor of the Israelis. Nor are they wrong in that assessment. And as Bowen also puts, quite aptly, in this video, the Palestinians do not see a "deal of the century" as Trump puts it, but they see something else entirely: a surrender document. 

Indeed, the Palestinian response has been to label this, for all intents and purposes, a "conspiracy." Frankly, though, who could be surprised if they feel insulted by this?

Within a few days, Bowen states, Israelis will begin to implement parts of this deal, which is to say that they will effectively prepare the grounds to annex parts of what were formerly Palestinian lands and make them into part of Israel proper.

Bowen suggested that the chance that this will become an actual framework for peace is virtually zero. However, he added, it does advance the cause of the vision for the future envisaged by Trump and Netanyahu. 

Here is the link to the BBC video on the so-called Trump Peace Plan:

Why Trump's Middle East plan is so divisive US President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan has been welcomed by Israel, but Palestinians have dismissed it as a "conspiracy".  The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen explains why the proposal is so divisive. January 29, 2020:

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