Saturday, January 25, 2020

As It Turns Out, Hillary Was Wrong About No One Liking Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton was wrong. Either that, or she was being deliberately misleading, not to mention petty and vindictive.  


Yeah, neither was I.  

Clinton made those comments a few days ago, and also said that she was not sure that she would endorse Sanders if he became the Democratic nominee, something that she and her supporters demanded – and got – from Sanders when she officially became the 2016 Democratic nominee, in an unsuccessful bid for the White House.  

Hillary said a lot of things over the years, of course. And she seems fixated on finding fault with everyone else regarding her loss to Donald Trump that November, although the one person who she seems to skip over when it comes to blame for that loss is likely the one person most responsible for it: herself.  

Of course, it is no secret that Hillary does not like Bernie. That much she has made clear by now. Again, she blamed Bernie and his supporters for their supposed reluctance to vote for her over Trump, even though Bernie not only gave her his full endorsement as the Democratic nominee, but went out on the campaign trail trying to make sure that Trump was stopped, and that he would never become president.  

Apparently, either Hillary forgot, or did not value it enough to acknowledge it now, even though she sure accepted it at the time.  

The Clintons had their time. I was a Democrat going into my first election in 1992, and voted for him twice. It was so disappointing to see him, that I was no longer a Democrat after that, and actually rejected both major parties. They are so transparently egotistical and power hungry, and like Trump, they always have to be the center of attention. Why can't they just go away and enjoy their retirement already? 2016 wasn't enough of a wake up call?

The dislike of Bernie Sanders by Hillary Clinton and other elites among the Democratic Party leadership is not surprising, since he pulls no punches in his criticism of them when it comes to the inequalities present throughout this country, and how little the Democrats have actually done to address these issues. In fact, sometimes, it seems like they outright endorse it, and that was particularly true of Hillary Clinton, who took enormous speaking fees at big banks, and actively sought out wealthy Wall Street donors for her campaign for the White House back in 2016.  

Clearly, she did not like that.  

Well, she maybe should have thought about that before actively trying to court their endorsements.  

Did she not think that Trump would use that against her in the general elections? I mean, seriously? She seemed to almost believe that she should be handed the White House on a silver platter, as did her supporters. As if they were entitled to it.  


TURNS OUT LOTS OF PEOPLE “LIKE” BERNIE SANDERS BY ERIC LUTZ, JANUARY 22, 2020:  For the first time, the Vermont Senator is on par with Joe Biden in a CNN poll. But it’s still early to call the primary a two-person race.

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