Saturday, January 4, 2020

Australian Government Climate Crisis Denial is Exacerbating Current Response to Record Heat & Wildfire

There are a lot of climate change deniers in the United States, and here, we keep electing climate change deniers into high office.

But every now and then, we see stories that underscore the sad fact that the United States is not the only country where there are a lot of climate change deniers, or that elects so-called leaders who also support climate change denying policies.

After all, Brazil has Bolsonaro. And in Australia, there is a government in place right now that is denying that the climate crisis is responsible for what is happening in that country right now, with the unbelievably hot temperatures and wildfires that have broken out all across the country, and killed an estimated half a billion to an outright billion wild animals, according to some recent estimates (see the link to the article by Democracy Now's Amy Goodman below).

Australia saw record hot temperatures back in 2017, and this for a land that knows heat, right? Then, they broke those records in 2019. And now, it appears that new records are being set to start off the new year of 2020. 

Yet, there was an explosion of fury when the Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia was caught vacationing in Hawaii while so much of his country was literally burning during this recent crisis. Sounds almost like something Trump would do, does it not? 

Morrison has supported the dirtiest fossil fuels, and has seemed very reluctant to acknowledge the seriousness of the climate crisis in the past. Maybe he does not outright do it to the extent that Trump does it, but there certainly appears to be a lack of conviction on his part to doing anything about the climate crisis, even to the point of acknowledging that it is indeed a crisis.

Playing golf half a world away, in the Hawaiian paradise while his country burns. 

Indeed, Australia is so hot right now, that it is literally burning, even while the government there is pointing to other issues as the cause, or claiming that this does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that it is climate change. 

Australia Braces for More Devastation as Government Denies Climate Crisis by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, January 3, 2020:

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