Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What Was Trump's Rationale For Killing Suleimani?

Already, the actions of Trump in assassinating another nation's general, and risking starting a huge war in what can accurately be described as the modern world's tinderbox, is being forgotten. This is typical of the Trump presidency: what would normally be huge headlines and perhaps a defining moment (often to the detriment) of other presidents is quickly merely yesterday's idiotic headlines in the Trump presidency, which keeps taking the United States headlong into the next car crash. 

His presidency feels like a ride in bumper cars, except that this vehicle is our state, and we keep crashing into the vehicles of other states, who do not feel that this is a game. 

What provoked Trump to take this action in the first place? Yes, we know that his rationale - at first - was to prevent a supposedly imminent attack, even if now, Trump has backed off that assertion. His defense against lying about this? It does not matter.


Personally, I suspect, by now, that Trump and his White House purposely try to rush into new headlines as a matter of principle, so that they do not get entangled in yesterday's idiotic controversies, and that the consequences of their actions never fully catch up with them, paradoxically, as we all try to absorb the lunacy of this presidency.

But really, why did he do this particular thing?

Before this is lost with all of the new headlines that he makes, it seemed like a good idea to publish this post about the reasons why Trump assassinated Suleimani earlier this month, according to a recent article by David S. Cloud of the Los Angeles Times (see link below), which I recommend taking a closer look at:

Trump made a spur-of-the-moment decision to assassinate Iran's top general -- who was once an ally in fighting ISIS -- based on it being one of several options offered by his own military advisers, and peer pressure given by his Mar-a-Lago pals. Suleimani may have guided recent protests at the US Embassy in Baghdad. After Trump sent in overwhelming military presence, he later called this his Anti-Benghazi, and Trump being determined never to have a 'real' Benghazi, (like Obama/Hillary), he decided to kill Suleimani before there were other attacks. As a consequence, there will be repercussions of biblical, historical importance, and many will die. Trump thinks he's saving his presidency.

Here is the link to the article used in writing this particular blog entry:

How Trump made the decision to kill Suleimani by David S. Cloud, JAN. 3, 2020:

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