Friday, January 24, 2020

"Fox & Friends" Suggests That We Skip Watching "Boring" Trump Impeachment Trial & Trust Them to Provide "Fair & Balanced" Summary

There is major news going on in this country right now, and the impeachment trial of Donald Trump goes on in the Senate.

Frankly, the evidence that President Trump committed a crime is overwhelming, even though he also criminally withheld a lot of evidence, which itself is indicative of a cover-up and constitutes yet more crimes that Trump has committed.

Still, the Senate, particularly the Republicans, are responding like children, plugging their ears and mocking those they disagree with. They are passing out stress balls, and finding ways to make the time pass by quicker, as they clearly are not seriously listening to the proceedings with anything resembling impartiality. A few of them outright admitted it. And look at the example of Rand Paul, who literally was making paper airplanes. Making a farce of the democratic system, not to mention the serious criminality of the man in this country's highest office, because he belongs to their party.

Meanwhile, Fox and Friends is also glossing over the trial, giving their "fair and balanced" version of the situation. Even worse, they are encouraging their viewers not to watch the Trump trial on the grounds that it is "boring." 

As an alternative, they are suggesting that we should trust them to sum it up, and give us their summary of the most important parts.

A lot of America s are clearly drinking the Kool Aid.

What sad times we live in. 

"Fox and Friends" tell viewers to skip "boring" Trump trial: “We watched so that you don’t have to" “There were snippets, and we’re showing you the good stuff,” co-host Steve Doocy told viewers Wednesday   835 TRAVIS GETTYS

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