Tuesday, May 30, 2023

CNN’s Ratings Have Dropped Significantly Since Airing the Trump Town Hall

Lately, I have been trying not to bother covering Donald Trump anymore. Mostly it is because I am just so sick of him. But also, I am trying to do my small part not to make him any more relevant than he deserves to be. Because if there is one thing that seems clear as daylight to me, it is that King Con Don has been horrible for this country, and probably does more damage than any other person possibly could at this point.

That said, every now and then, I do mention him. But again, I am one person with a blog, and hardly can be said to be seriously contributing to all of the free press that he gets, and which, frankly, enables him and his supporters.

So that is why CNN, which a few weeks ago hosted a Town hall meeting with King Con Don, sickens me. They clearly were doing it for ratings. But it has had the opposite effect. For once, people seemed to have some good ideas on how to handle this situation, which is simply to boycott CNN. And their ratings since have gone down, apparently.

Let's hope that the message is received. 

The more coverage he gets on these major networks, the more he gains credibility, relevance, normalizing, and even acceptance among Americans. Yes, that includes CNN, which is generally not regarded in a friendly light by Trump loyalists. Yet, a Town Hall meeting like this does serve to validate him as a serious presidential candidate in 2024, despite his consistent attempts at undermining democracy in the United States, which included nothing short of what I consider a coup d'etat. All of that, plus his generally despicable behavior - remember, he was found guilty in the recent court case in Manhattan - should easily have disqualified him as a viable candidate. Still, CNN wants to make him the focal point, mostly because of the traditional thinking that ratings go up whenever he is on television. For such arrogant and presumptuous thinking, let them learn the hard way that, in fact, some people really are sick and tired not only of King Con Don, but of those who enable him, both in his bad behavior, and the access to power that allows him to continually get away with it. 

Shame on CNN. I will not be turning it on voluntarily anytime soon. And it has everything to do with their continuing to legitimize Trump. 

Here’s How Bad CNN’s Post-Trump Town Hall Ratings Have Been WHERE’S THAT TRUMP BUMP? The cable network suffered its lowest-rated week since 2015.   Justin Baragona Senior Media Reporter Updated May. 26, 2023 11:27AM ET / Published May. 22, 2023:


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