Friday, June 28, 2024

Asterix & Tintin Hybrid Image

Both Asterix and Tintin are very popular - even iconic - French language cartoons who have been famous for many decades now. Technically, I lived in France up until I was about four or five, give or take. But the first time that I remember going back to France, in the summer of 1982, I came to enjoy both of those comic series, as well as Lucky Luke.

Admittedly, Tintin was my favorite. Than Lucky Luke, and then Asterix. Since that summer, seeing those comics always made me feel nostalgic. They also made me feel a bit more connected to the French, or Francophone, culture that I had largely lost in the years between when we moved out of France, to when I went back, hardly knowing a word of French at the time. Slowly but surely, I got re-acclimated with French culture, and came to appreciate it. 

These cartoons, or comic books, really helped along in that process. These were not comic books in the small, magazine style of North American comic books, but actual books, which held a more respectable place on the shelves of French bookstores than they ever did back then in the United States, although comic books (again, actual books) seem to have made serious inroads now in Anglo North America, as well. I specify the English speaking part of North America because, like in France, comic books like Tintin, Lucky Luke, and Asterix also had a respectable place in book stores in French Canada, as well. Part of the pleasure of visiting French Canada for me, particularly Québec was (and still is, presumably) seeing those comics available there.

In any case, the cartoon (with the link below) felt like something that I might share here. It is an image where Asterix and Tintin are mixed. At least, Asterix himself is wearing the clothes of Tintin, while his sidekick Obelix is wearing the outfit of Captain Haddock (Capitaine Haddock in French).


Rick Paisa 17 June, 2021    ·  

For those who also love Tin Tin!!!

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