Saturday, June 8, 2024

Bill Maher Addresses Some Absurdities of American Prison System

Usually whenever I post something from Bill Maher these days, I have to add the caveat that his opinions are often not ones which I agree with. That said, I largely agree with what he says in this particular video, with perhaps the exception of his automatically equating anti-war sympathy with the plight of Palestinians on American college campuses with antisemitism. 

That said, however, his calling out the notorious brutality within the American prison system, as well as the apparent acceptance by Americans in general of the ridiculous numbers of people finding themselves behind bars in this country, which tout itself as the "land of the free," is something which I agree with. There is in fact a lot about the prison system which I believe is wrong, particularly that it, like almost everything else in this country, has become privatized, and thus is a for-profit system. That's the reason why the prison system has become so overcrowded.

So I decided it would be worth it to post this video. Indeed, we should become more aware of this horrible issue, which truly is an unsavory aspect of the underbelly of modern American life. 

Take a look:

New Rule: Capitalism Cells | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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