Sunday, June 9, 2024

Jon Stewart Holds Media Feet To Fire On Inability To Hold Politicians Accountable For Demonstrably Lying

Admittedly, I really only watched the first part of this video, the part with Jon Stewart. He's just very funny, but also makes a lot of sense.

In this video, he talks about both Biden and Trump (of course). There's a lot more about the windfall following the recent guilty verdict, and Trump now officially being the first president in American history to be a convicted felon. 

It goes beyond that, however. Stewart tackles how the media portrays things. Or rather, how it deliberately feeds misinformation, often by allowing politicians to get away with things which are demonstrably untrue. This has been going on for some time now, of course. But with a monstrous MAGAlomaniac like King Con Don, it becomes dangerous, especially once he got his Cult 45 following.

Please watch this video for examples of specific manipulation, and how the media has simply, frankly, dropped the ball on all of this. The one that always bothers me the most is how not more was made of the fact that the Trump legal team bent over backwards to make it clear in each of the 62 court cases following the election that they were NOT arguing massive voter fraud. That all of their bravado and absolute certainty that the election was stolen and that they had irrefutable proof of this would not stand up in a court of law, where actual proof is needed. I remember telling this to Trump fans at the time, and they seemed a bit uncomfortable, but still believed that it was not merely a scam, but that there really was irrefutable proof that the Trump legal team, for some reason of their own understanding, refused to introduce in court when given not just the opportunity, but when 62 chances to prove their case in court.

And they bent over backwards to make clear that they were NOT arguing massive voter fraud. This is not some minor point, as Stewart points out here (with a couple of audio recordings of his lawyers, including Giuliani, actually saying it. 

Pretty damning.

I got a few laughs watching this. And while it is admittedly, obviously political, it seemed worth sharing here.


Jon Stewart Puts Media on Trial & Ronny Chieng Tackles Biden's Border Plan | The Daily Show

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