Thursday, June 13, 2024

Seth Meyers Focuses on How Hunter Biden Verdict Ignited Still More Wild MAGA Conspiracy Theories

This was not the funniest video that I have seen Seth Meyers in.

Still, it has some revealing clips of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Frankly, it makes you wonder once again just how and why in a country of 330 million or so people - many of whom are very smart and capable and driven - we have to see these two as our only "real" choices to become the leader of the country for the next four years.

Also, he talks a little bit about the trial and conviction on three cunts of the president's son, Hunter Biden, and the crazy conspiracy theories that far too many people in Cult 45 seem willing to accept without any serious scrutiny or even questions. 

Take a look, and enjoy.

Hunter Biden Verdict Blows Up MAGA Conspiracy Theory About Trump's Crimes: A Closer Look

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