Monday, June 3, 2024

Music Video: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Frogs

Heard this song on the radio while driving to work last night, and it really caught my attention. I have found Nick Cave's works to be more interesting than average.

Thought it would be worth sharing here:

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Frogs (Lyric Video)


  1. He's got some interesting stuff. I had some vague level of familiarity with his work already, probably starting with Metallica's cover of "Loverman" on "Garage Inc.". I've never checked out his music in depth, but I know he's a big fan of both Iggy Pop and Leonard Cohen, both of whose work I've loved for quite a few years now.

    1. Indeed, he does have some interesting stuff. I have not listened to him as much as I have other artists, admittedly. Yet, I am impressed with those works which I have heard. And there was something particularly attractive with this son, which is why I created this blog entry with the video. Yeah, I can see him being a fan of both Iggy and Cohen. He's almost a blend of both, in certain respects. Certainly, at least, there are elements of both styles in his music.

  2. I seem to have gone on your blog moments after you posted this. I skimmed through the Wikipedia article about him, and he's really into Pink Floyd. I'd say you can hear a bit of that in that song as well. That to me is a recipe for making music worth listening to: borrowing from all kinds of influences by incorporating certain elements of their style, without it being a blatant ripoff or pale imitation. And based on what I've heard of his, I'd say he's achieved that.
