Saturday, June 15, 2024

Father's Day


Today is Father's Day. It is a bit of a strange Father's Day for me ever my own father died a couple of years ago. So it does feel a little bit bizarre, like something is missing.

Well, there was a nice surprise not long after he passed. I found this picture buried inside of a book that I had been reading some time ago, and put down. I had not picked it back up, and must have put the picture there, intending to make a duplicate, then forgot about it. Of course, it is not impossible that I did actually make a copy, and forgot about it, and just could not find it this time around. However, I could not specifically remember that, and think that I would. After all, the bookshelf took me back a few years, as did the poster or picture of French musician Jacques Brel (top left corner). Obviously, so did the image of my family. I think that this would have been taken either in Lodi, or possibly in West Milf,rd, but in the very earliest years, because we were all so much younger. From left to right, my brother, my father, my mom, and myself. 

Under that is a picture that I did make a copy of, but years ago, before I had full access to the improvements that I now have access to, especially on my weekend job (knock on wood that it stays that way for a while). So, I thought that I would make another copy, and then make the adjustments and improvements, then share it here.

Enjoy, and a Happy Father's Day to any father out there!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Fathers Day! That picture of us on a bench in the white room was taken in the Lodi apartment, even if I can't claim to remember that bench.

    The picture of us on the couch in Liberty was from the time when Pop returned to the States, so if memory serves this would have been February of 1980. Hard to believe it's been nearly four and a half decades since those pictures were taken.
