Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Comedian Breaks Down Trump and His Cult Following

Saw this over the weekend, and thought that this guy really made some solid points. The one which I agreed with the most is that this whole threat to democracy is hardly about Donald Trump himself. Indeed, it is about the willingness of other nationally prominent politicians, as well obviously as Trump's cult following, to simply lie down for the guy, allowing Trump to get exactly what he wants. Indeed, Trump expects people to lie down for him and let him get everything that he desires, which is why he cannot handle it when anyone shows the least resistance. That is when he goes on those ridiculous, childish tantrums. 

This comedian breaks down a lot of what has made Trump and his cult following (sorry, that's just the best and most accurate way to describe them) such a threat to democracy. 

Watch the video, and see if you don't agree. I think that he makes a lot of great points. 


WATCH Comedian Make a Fool Out of Donald Trump and His Idiot Fans

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