Thursday, June 27, 2024

Leeja Miller Tackles Immunity of Corrupt Judges

Not long ago, I posted a blog entry with a video by Jon Stewart. The focus was on corruption by high-ranking members of the government, including members of Congress and the Supreme Court. 

That video had quite a few comical aspects. It was, after all, a video by Jon Stewart, who is a professional, and famous, comedian.

Below is a video with similar themes. It is all about corruption, this time with the focus on high-ranking judges, particularly the Supreme Court. In this video, there really is nothing to laugh about, because it is more of a sober and somber assessment of just how immune these judges are from any real consequences for their often quite blatant levels of corruption.

So it's not a "fun" video. Yet, it is important for us to see this and to understand it. Nothing will change in this world through ignorance of problems. Also, we have more than enough ignorance here in the United States that is creating huge problems and/or exacerbating already existing problems.

Take a look at the video below by Leeja Miller on judges who, as the title of the video suggests, are out of control, and enjoy far too much immunity.

Judges Are Out Of Control

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