Friday, June 21, 2024

Moose Versus Bear in the Wild

Saw this brief video a few days ago, and it was fascinating. Not sure what happened, if the moose got away, or if the bear managed to catch it. Not sure how that battle would be, if it would go on and on to a standstill, or if one or the other could possibly get the upper hand in some way.

My guess is that it depends on a case to case basis. When I looked into the matter further, I found that there are videos of moose chasing bears, and bears chasing moose. So I guess it could go either way, depending on the circumstances.

In any case, the first video is the one I ran into, and the second one below it was one I found when doing a little bit of research on Youtube.

Both seemed worth sharing here.


Grizzly bear chases down moose at Montana campground

Moose chases bear

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