Thursday, June 20, 2024

Behavior By Fans of England Towards Host Nation Germany Receiving Criticism

Sports can unify people like very little else, at the best of times and circumstances.

Yet it also has to be noted that, at it's worst, it can also divide people, and show their incredibly petty and xenophobic sides, under less than ideal circumstances.

So it is no real surprise that there are more controversies already in this Euro regarding fan behavior towards other (rival) countries. And some of the fans being singled out for arguably reprehensible behavior are the England fans. 

This year's Euro tournament is being held in Germany. And English fans were recently caught chanting a taunting song towards German fans, with references to World War II which some people feel might be objectionable and even offensive.

Is it? Or is this an overreaction, as some (including some of the English fans interviewed in the article (see link below)? 

That I leave to the individual to judge. But this seemed worth sharing here.



England fans' behaviour under scrutiny over chant  Media caption, Reaction to controversial chanting referencing World War Two at Euro 2024.  Dan Roan Sports editor, June 19, 2024:

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