Friday, May 20, 2022

Hemp May Have Positive Impact on Fight Against Climate Change

Since Colorado and Washington legalized recreational marijuana a few years ago, there has been a wave of states who have followed suit and also legalized it. 

To be fair, it began not in the United States at all, but in Uruguay. Individual states have done it, but whole countries have done it since, including our neighbors both to the north and south, Canada and Mexico. My guess is that many more countries will be following suit over the next few years, too. 

As with seemingly everything else, here in the United States, it is far more complicated. Each individual states makes it own decision. Not every state has even so much as legalized medical marijuana yet, let alone recreational marijuana. 

There are many good reasons to finally end the prohibition on marijuana. Frankly, to my mind, it should never have been illegalized to begin with. After all, it is completely natural. Leave it to bureaucratic modern societies to try and criminalize nature.

In any case, we have been learning over the years that marijuana, far from being some kind of evil that we need protection from, actually has significant benefits. First of all, it seems to help to sick by alleviating their pain, which is no small thing. And hemp can be turned into strong, quality clothing. 

Beyond that, though, hemp can be useful for many things. It is good for producing quality paper. Moreover, it is far better for the environment, as well. It grows four times faster than conventional trees that produce paper. That certainly seems to mean that it would be better for the environment if we produced paper made of hemp. Then again, I read somewhere that the paper industry owns most of the woods east of the Mississippi, particularly in the northeast. And if they cannot produce profits from these forests with paper, then they likely would sell the land, presumably for development, and that obviously would be not so good for the environment.

When profits are involved, it seems difficult to know exactly what to do. Mostly because of the possibility of unintended consequences. 

In any case, below is a link to an article about how marijuana might indeed be good for the fight against climate change. 

Take a look. There's some interesting stuff!

Hemp Could Be A Crucial Tool In The Fight Against Climate Change by Andrea D. SteffenJune 21, 2021

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