Thursday, May 12, 2022

Last Batch of Family Pictures Recently Discovered At Old House in West Milford


Yes, that's right. There is one last batch of pictures that I will now post here.

Most of them are family photos, although they are unique because they are pictures that I was previously unfamiliar with. In fact, I do not remember ever having seen them before in my life. Also, they are old, with some perhaps going back to the better part of a century ago, quite possibly. I do not even recognize everyone in the pictures. 

The most valuable are a group of very old pictures that were in a non-descript folder that, frankly, I would not have looked twice at. In fact, I did not look twice at it. Luckily, my ex-wife, who also lived in that house at two different points in her life (the early 2000's and from early 2019 thru to well into 2021) did. She handed me this folder maybe a day or two after the house had closed, and the pictures that were in there were, frankly, simply amazing! These were some very old photos which included family members now long gone. In particular, there were pictures of my grandparents on my mother’s side. Yet, they were much younger in these pictures than I ever remember them being, which obviously suggests that they were taken well before I was even born. It was an incredible find, and they proved to be a real treasure. Words hardly could express my own appreciation for them. They will be heading to my mom’s place the next time that we can make it up there. In the meantime, here are duplicate pictures of them that I took with my camera, most of which came out fairly nicely, in fact.

Then, there are more recent pictures, as well. Some class pictures of my son from a few years ago, back in 2015. 

Some of these were a real surprise to see, and obviously, also a joy. 

The most valuable of these pictures are a group of very old pictures that were in a non-descript folder that, frankly, I would not have looked twice at. In fact, I did not look twice at it. Luckily, my ex did. She handed me this folder maybe a day or two after the house had closed, and the pictures that were in there were, frankly, simply amazing! These were some very old photos which included family members now long gone. In particular, there were pictures of my grandparents on my mother’s side. Yet, they were much younger in these pictures than I ever remember them being, which obviously suggests that they were taken well before I was even born. It was an incredible find, and they proved to be a real treasure. Words hardly could express my own appreciation for them. They will be heading to my mom’s place the next time that we can make it up there. In the meantime, here are duplicate pictures of them that I took with my camera, most of which came out fairly nicely, in fact.

A very old picture of my grandparents. Looks like this was their wedding day. Not really sure how old this picture is, however. 

Here is a picture of a couple, presumably, although I cannot say exactly who they are. My guess would be great grandparents, although again, there is no certainty.

This is a more recent picture, likely taken in the eighties, and possibly in Englewood, New Jersey, because this kind of looks like my Aunt Ethel's big driveway there. Or, it could be in a park somewhere. As mentioned, Aunt Ethel is in the picture, with the flower shirt. Behind her is my grandfather. The other people I honestly cannot identify.  

Here is a picture of someone I cannot quite identify, although I believe she is in one of the pictures above. Again, possibly my great grandmother? Not sure as I write this, however. 

My grandparents again, and I believe the baby they are holding up would be my mom. This picture would have dated back to the late 1940's, I suspect. 

This one is much easier to identify. This is my grandfather, smoking a pipe as I often remember him doing. It appears that he is in an office, although this might be at the house in Liberty, although the desk and small bookshelf are not things I am familiar with. Behind him is what appears to be a towel or something from the University of Wisconsin, which he graduated from. 

Another picture of my grandparents on what looks to be their wedding day. This one was taken on a sunny day in front of their house at Liberty, New York. 

Another picture from what appears to be the wedding day of my grandparents in front of the house in Liberty, although I cannot admittedly identify who exactly the other people in the picture are. 

A picture from inside of the dining room in Liberty, New York. Presumably, like the other pictures, this was taken on my grandparent's wedding day, although I could be wrong about that. 

Another picture of some members of my family from well before my own birth. I believe that this is the road in Liberty in front of the house, back when it was a much quieter, more wooded area. If I am right, this is at the corner of the property heading towards neighboring Loch Sheldrake, and nearby these days, there is a cement mixing factory. 

One final picture, this one of my parents. My mom is holding my brother, presumably, who was then a baby. This must have been the early seventies. I believe this was taken in the apartment in the Bronx. This was not among the photos in the folder, although I ran into this picture on my Facebook memories recently, and then could not find it anywhere here on the Charbor Chronicles. Figured it deserved to be posted. Perhaps I even posted it already sometime in the past and just could not find it this time around, but figured it could be posted again anyway. 


  1. Those are definitely pictures of Grampa's parents. And I believe Grandma's parents are featured in one of the wedding photos as well. I'm pretty sure the wedding was in 1946, and the baby Grampa is holding is definitely Mom. She'll probably confirm most if not all of this. I'm definitely the baby in the picture with Mom and Pop. And that shot of a young Grampa was probably taken in Madison, Wisconsin when he was studying there. He graduated in 1937, so if I guess the picture was taken in 1935, odds are I'm not off by more than two years. As for the picture with Grampa and Aunt Ethel, I too have no idea who those three other people are.

    1. Dave is correct on all accounts. The picture of David, Pop and me was taken in the Jeanne d'Arc clinic soon after his birth. Yes, the wedding picture of six people shows Grandpa and Grandma standing in front of their respective parents, my two sets of grandparents. The picture of Aunt Ethel in the Liberty dining room shows her first husband Jack, who was a very sweet person. The more recent picture of Aunt Ethel and Grandpa includes, I think, a family Aunt Ethel helped sponsor for immigration from the then Soviet Union (I believe Ukraine), but I don't know their names or where they are now. And the photo of Grandpa was taken in Wisconsin, like Dave said. Thanks so very much for posting these precious pictures!

    2. Good to know all of that, the back stories that I was not especially familiar with myself when I first found these pictures, and while I made copies and alterations in order to try and get them in good enough shape to post them here. Glad that you guys enjoyed them, and thanks for helping to identify them.

  2. Not sure if anyone else noticed, but it's kind of funny to see those pictures of 1930s pinups on the door of what I'm assuming was Grampa's dorm. Too bad there's no way of knowing whether it was him or a roommate who put those up there.
