Monday, December 26, 2022

A Closer Look at ''Ordinary World'' By Duran Duran

So, my girlfriend and I had a very, very lazy day today. This was originally supposed to be the day when I headed up to upstate New York to visit my mom. But my girlfriend got very sick, and long story short, I am still in Hillsborough.

Barely went out today. Just picked up the rental car, and then went to the supermarket, and then the drug store, to pick up some meds for her, and a small amount of groceries and cat litter.

Just now really going on the internet for the first time, even though it is almost 10pm. Checked the phone every now and again, but the internet connection here was weak earlier when I tried, for some reason. It appears to be stronger now, fortunately.

This was an article which I meant to post last week, about a great song by Duran Duran. It was released on December 19, 1992, if memory serves correctly, according to the article. It would have been fitting for me to have posted this about one week ago, around the time when it was released (not absolutely certain that it was on the 19th, but it was in mid to late December). Even now, when I hear that song, it takes me back to the year 1993, which was a great time in my life. Also, it is simply a great son in it's own right.

And so it seemed like a good idea to post this particular article today. Again, we had a very lazy day today, but I think that if there is a time to permit yourself such lazy days, the holiday season would be one such time. For whatever the reason, I just did not feel too energetic, and did not want to write a long blog entry about anything. In other words, the laziness is being extended, at least for one more blog entry here.

If you are interested in learning more about this song, click on the link below:

 Behind the song: ''Ordinary World'' by Duran Duran 12/19/2020

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