Thursday, December 22, 2022

A Recent Visit to New York's Metropolitan Museum' of Art


As I mentioned over the weekend, my son and I went to NYC last Friday evening to visit the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. My son and I were blessed with visits to major museums and plays this year. And so I wanted to try and get us to have one more such occasion before this year is out.

Now to be sure, this was not a very long or extensive visit to the Met. My son and I left maybe half an hour to an hour after he came back from school, and we hit some traffic. So we got to the PATH Station maybe around 5pm, and got to the Met Museum maybe around 6pm or so. That gave us three hours. So again, we knew that it was not going to be extensive. 

Still, we both enjoy these periodic trips to the big city. Usually, we go at least a couple of times per year. This was our fourth trip, actually, this year. We went to see Elton John in Brooklyn in March, then we visited Central Park before going to see Notre Dame de Paris at the Lincoln Center in July,, then another trip to the Lincoln Center early in December to see Rigolletto, and this was a chance for a fourth trip. And so we went. 

The Met was not the only place we visited, of course. We took the PATH Train to 33rd Street, then took the subway uptown. We walked across Central Park, near the Great Lawn, and I snapped some pictures of Belvedere Castle illuminated on this rainy night. It would have been nice to get a night shot of Cleopatra's Needle, but it was not illuminated at all.

After the museum visit (it closes at 9pm, and we were there almost right to the end), we walked along Fifth Avenue, along the edge of Central Park until we got to Rockefeller Center, which was festive and bright, despite the soggy and cold feel of this night. 

However, I already posted pictures of those things. Today, I wanted to focus on our visit to the Met. So, here are some of the pictures that I took of our visit.


The Great Hall


Christmas Tree and Neapolitan Baroque Crèche

Greek and Roman Art


Modern Rome by Giovanni Paolo Panini

Ancient Rome by Giovanni Paolo Panini

The Death of Socrates by Jacques Louis David

Arms and Armor

The Temple of Dendur in The Sackler Wing

Asian Art

The Met Museum's Astor Chinese Garden Court

Isamu Noguchi's Water Stone in Japanese Art

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