Thursday, September 15, 2022


Thought this might be a good time to publish two recently discovered pictures.

Yesterday, I did some serious cleaning of some boxes filled with stuff from when I was clearing out the old house in West Milford. Granted, it took longer than expected to finally get around to doing it. But there were some cool things that I found, including these two pictures.

One is a picture of my son when he was still a baby. It is one of my favorite pictures, as it shows him happy. Additionally, it showed my parent's garden at the old house when it was at it's absolute peak. If memory serves correctly, this was in the spring of 2006, and the tulips, as you can see, just came out beautifully! Great memories.

The second picture is much older. It is from the early eighties, and features our first cat (our first family pet, in fact), Catso. Admittedly, that probably was not the most original name, but she was a great cat, very playful and friendly. This is a picture of her sleeping in the living room, as it was ten arranged. There is also a glimpse of the old wood paneling that used to dominate the interior of the living room. My father tore it down at some point and painted it while, making it feel a bit more modern and spacy, which is saying something, since the entire house was rather tiny.

In any case, both of these pictures were treasures, and brought me back many years ago, albeit with very different memories. Seemed worth sharing here.


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