Thursday, August 15, 2024

Our Annual Trip to the Jersey Shore - 2024

We usually take at least one day trip to the Jersey Shore at some point or other during the warm months of the year.

It has been Asbury Park for us now for two years running. But there have been other trips to the Jersey Shore at other destinations. Sandy Hook is one of the ones which we commonly have visited, as well. However, there is a certain appeal to beach towns which have board walks. And Asbury Park is one of them. 

So we went to Asbury Park again. 

Yet, we went in August, which we both acknowledged was a mistake. Last year, we went maybe a couple of weeks into September. It was still quite warm, and the water was quite refreshing. But it was also a lot less crowded.

This time around, we got caught in a fairly significant traffic slowdown on the Parkway, and then again found ourselves in heavy traffic on the way to Asbury Park. Then, it seemed like there were no parking spots, which meant that we eventually had to settle for a paid parking lot. One of them was asking $35 and was largely empty. It remained just as empty as we passed it, because I refused to get so blatantly ripped off. Then we found one for $20, and my girlfriend insisted that we park there. So we did.

The beach itself proved to be quite crowded, as well. Neither of us are what you would probably call people persons. And so we decided that next time around, we would keep all of these little inconveniences in mind, and go in September, on some weekday after Labor Day weekend, when it would not be so crowded.

Still, we had fun. For once, I decided to treat myself by buying a treat - a freshly squeezed lemonade. We sat and relaxed and talked. She dipped her toes in the water, and I went in for a bit of a swim. I read some, and also laid down for a bit. 

It was ideal nevertheless, at least once we actually managed to get settled.

These pictures were taken on my girlfriend's phone, as a sort of keepsake to remember this latest trip to the Jersey Shore.


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