Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!


Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in 135, Betar, the last outpost of Bar Kochba, fell to Rome. The Battle of Maserfield was fought on this day in 642, when Penda of Mercia defeated and killed Oswald of Bernicia. In 910 on this day, the last major Viking army to raid England was defeated at the Battle of Tettenhall by the allied forces of Mercia and Wessex, led by King Edward and Earl Aethelred. On this day in 1071, Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes was captured, and Islamic fighters advanced through Europe. Henry I was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey on this day in 1100. Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Arnstadt, Germany, on this day in 1264. William Wallace, who led Scottish resistance to England, was captured by the English near Glasgow and transported to London for trial and execution on this day in 1305. The Battle of Otterburn, a border skirmish between the Scottish and the English in Northern England, was fought on this day in 1388. On this day in 1391, Castilian sailors fire attacked the Jewish ghetto of Barcelona, with hundreds killed. The Battle at Worskla was fought on this day in 1399, when Tataren defeated the Russians & Litouwers. Duke John VI of Bavaria visited "Christ's bride," the virgin Liduina, on this day in 1420. The Battle at Ponza was fought on this day in 1435, with King Alfonso V of Aragon captured by Genuezen. Troops working together with the French King Francis I and Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire occupied Nice on this day in 1543 during the Italian War of 1542 - 1546. On this day in 1583, Gilbert claimed Newfoundland, which made it the first English colony in North America. Spanish troops conquered Lock on this day in 1587. French troops occupied Stenay on this day in 1654. On this day in 1666, the English fleet defeated the Dutch under Michiel the Ruyter. State of Holland obtained the Eternal Edict on this day in 1667. On this day in 1689, 1,500 Iroquois attacked the village of Lachine, in New France. The Battle of Petrovaradin/Peterwardein was fought on this day in 1716, when the Habsburgs under Eugene of Savoy defeated the Ottoman Empire. Skirmish at Laggan on this day in 1745, when Glengarry defeated the Royal Scots. On this day in 1763 during Pontiac's War, the Battle of Bushy Run was fought. British forces led by Henry Bouquet defeated Chief Pontiac's Indians at Bushy Run. The first partition of Poland between Austria, Prussia & Russia, took place on this day in 1772. On this day in 1775, the San Carlos became the first Spanish ship to enter San Francisco Bay. The Battle at Doggers Bank was fought on this day in 1781, when the Dutch fleet fought the English fleet. On this day during in 1812 during the War of 1812, Tecumseh's Native American force ambushed Thomas Van Horne's 200 Americans at Brownstone Creek, causing them to flee and retreat. On this day in 1833, the village of Chicago was incorporated. The population was approximately 250. On this day in 1837 was the first ascent of Mt Marcy, which a 5,344' feet, ranks as the highest peak in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. On this day in 1846, the Oregon country was divided between the US & Great Britain at the 49th parallel. Cyrus W Field completed the first Transatlantic telegraph cable on this day in 1858. In 1860 on this day, Carl IV of Sweden-Norway was crowned King of Norway, in Trondheim. On this day in 1861 during the American Civil War, the Naval Engagement at Fernandina, FL-USS Vincennes ended the rebel blockade. Also on this day in 1861, the US Army abolished flogging. Finally on this day in 1861, the U.S. federal government levied its first income tax. The tax was 3% of all incomes over $800. The wartime measure was rescinded in 1872.  The Battle of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was fought on this day in 1862. In 1864 on this day during the US Civil War, the Battle of Mobile Bay was won by the Union led by Rear Admiral Farragut with the now famous cry "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" On this day in 1864, the spectrum of a comet was observed for first time, by Giovanni Donati. Japan launched its postal savings system on this day in 1874. It was modeled after a similar system in England. Henry Morton Stanley's letter in order to aid reached Boma at Congo in 1877. Martial law was imposed in Japan on this day in 1882. On this day in 1882, Standard Oil of New Jersey was established. 

On Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor, the cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was laid on this day in 1884. There was an accord between the British & French on this day in 1890, designed to divide African colonization between the two European powers. The first travelers checks issued (American Express) were issued on this day in 1891. Japan's first taxicab service began on this day in 1912 in Ginza, Tokyo. On this day in 1914, the first electric traffic lights were installed in Cleveland, Ohio, between Euclid Avenue & E 105th Street. Cuba, Uruguay, Mexico & Argentina proclaimed their neutrality in World War I on this day in 1914. The Dutch Cort Van de Linden government issued silver bonds as money on this day in 1914. There was a massive German assault on forts around Luik on this day in 1914. Montenegro declared war against Austria-Hungary in World War I on this day in 1914. The United States and Nicaragua signed treaty granting canal rights to the US on this day in 1914. Westerschelde left due to the German invasion in Belgium on this day in 1914. Warsaw was evacuated by the Russians and occupied by Germans on this day in 1915. British troops attacked the Canal of Ypres in Boesinghe, Belgium, on this day in 1917. The Treaty of Berlin was signed on this day in 1921, as the US & Germany signed separate peace treaty. On this day in 1921, the first play-by-play broadcast of a baseball game was done by Harold Arlin. KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh, PA described the action between the Pirates and Philadelphia. On this day in 1921, the cartoon "On the Road to Moscow", by Rollin Kirby, was published in the "New York World". It was the first cartoon to win a Pulitzer Prize.  In 1923 on this day, Henry Sullivan became the first American to swim across the English Channel. In 1924 on this day, the New York "Daily News" debuted the comic strip "Little Orphan Annie," by Harold Gray. In 1925 on this day, Plaid Cymru was formed with the aim of disseminating knowledge of the Welsh language, which is in danger of dying out. The first talkie movie "Don Juan" was shown at Warner Theatre, NY, on this day in 1926. A French & German trade agreement was signed on this day in 1926. The magician Houdini stayed in a coffin underwater for 1½ hrs before escaping on this day in 1926. On this day in 1936 at the Berlin Olympics, Jesse Owens won his third Olympic medal. The British government canceled the Agreement of Munich on this day in 1942. German troops crossed the Kuban River on this day in 1942.Soviet forces reconquered Orel & Bjelgorod on this day in 1943. During the height of World War II, on this day in 1943 at around 11 A.M during the Battle of Troina, Mount Etna erupted, sending ash and lava miles into the sky. On this day in 1944, Polish insurgents liberated a German labor camp in Warsaw. 348 Jewish prisoners were freed. On this day in 1944, the US 79th/90th Division occupied Laval/Mayenne, while on the same day, US troops occupied Vannes, in Bretagne. Americans first learned of the Atom Bomb being dropped on Hiroshima  on this day in 1945 (alrthough it came on August 6th in Japan). Netherlands ceased political action in Indonesia due to UN pressure on this day in 1947. In 1949 on this day, a magnitude 6.75 earthquake hit Quito, Ecuador, with about 6,000 killed as a result. In 1953 on this day, Operation "Big Switch" occurred during Korean War, with prisoners exchanged at Panmunjom. On this day in 1960, Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) declared independence from France. In a rare game played between the two leagues, on this day in 1961, the Chicago Bears (NFL) defeated the Montreal Alouettes (CFL) 34-16 in Montreal. On this day in 1962, Marilyn Monroe died. Also on this day in 1962, the first quasar located by radio. Anti-apartheid activist and future South African President Nelson Mandela  was arrested for incitement & illeagally leaving South Africa on this day in 1962. Also on this day in 1962, the UN Command forbid flights to Katangese airports. In 1963 on this day, the Limited Test Ban Treaty was signed by the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union. The treaty banned nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, in outer space, and underwater. On this day in 1964, the Beatles record "Leave My Kitten Alone." There was a rebellion in Congo on this day in 1964, when  Christopher Gbenye/Pierre Mulele conquered Stanleyville. Also on this day in 1964, U.S. aircraft bombed North Vietnam after reports had come out that North Vietnamese boats had attacked U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. In 1966 on tis day, Martin Luther King Jr  was attacked by hundreds of white protesters during a Chicago march. 

The Beatles released the "Revolver" album in the US on this day in 1966. On that same day in 1966, the Beatles released "Yellow Submarine" & "Eleanor Rigby" in the UK. On this day in 1969, the Mariner 7, a U.S. space probe, passed by Mars. Photographs and scientific data were sent back to Earth. In 1970 on this day, US Black Panther leader Huey Newton was let out of jail. The Moody Blues released "Nights in White Satin" on this day in 1972. Uganda President Idi Amin threw out all 80,000 Asians out of the country on this day in 1972. On this day in 1973, Arab terrorists opened fire at an Athens airport, killing 3 & injuring 55. In 1973 on this day, the USSR launched Mars 6. President Nixon admitted that he withheld information about the Watergate break-in on this day in 1974. Nixon said that he expected to be impeached. In 1979 on this day, the government of Mauritania signed a peace treaty with Polisario. On this day in 1981, President Regan fired 11,500 air traffic controllers who had started a strike two days earlier. This was regarded as a kind of turning point that would have serious ramifications for the political direction of the country for years (and even decades) to come. 

A picture of my son and I at the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland in 2012, which was obviously one of I.M. Pei's most famous works.

On this day in 1985, the establishment of a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is announced. The US Senate voted for the SDI-project (Star Wars) defense project championed by President Reagan on this day in 1986. On this day in 1989, general elections are held in Nicaragua with the Sandinista Front winning a majority. Also ont this day in 1989 in Honduras, five Central American presidents began meeting to discuss the timetable for the dismantling of the Nicaraguan Contra bases. U.S. President George H.W. Bush angrily denounced the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on this day in 1990. In 1991 on this day, an investigation was formally launched by Democratic congressional leaders to find out if the release of American hostages was delayed until after the Reagan-Bush presidential election. Also on this day in 1991, Iraq admitted to misleading U.N. inspectors about secret biological weapons. In 1992 on this day, Federal civil rights charges were filed against four Los Angeles police officers in the Rodney King beating case. The officers had been acquitted on California State charges. Two of the officers were convicted and jailed on violation of civil rights charges. Antonov-12 crashed down at Boda, East-Siberia, on this day in 1994, with 47 people killed as a result. Rocker Billy Idol was admitted to the hospital after a drug overdose on this day in 1994. On this day in 1995, the city of Knin, a significant Serb stronghold, is captured by Croatian forces during Operation Storm. The date is celebrated as the day of victory (Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day) in Croatia. In 1997 on this day, Korean Air 747 with 331 aboard crashed in Guam, only 29 survived. Also on this day in 1997, Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of 1993 World Trade Center bombing, went on trial. On this day in 1997, the Soyuz TM-26 crew of Anatoly Solovyov & Pavel Vinogradov, launched. In 1998 on this day, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein began not cooperating with U.N. weapons inspectors. Also on this day in 1998, Marie Noe of Philadelphia, PA was arrested and charged with first-degree murder, accused of smothering eight of her children to death between 1949 and 1968. Noe later received 20 years' probation. In 2002 on this day, the U.S. closed its consulate in Karachi, Pakistan. The consulate was closed after local authorities removed large concrete blocks and reopened the road in front of the building to normal traffic. A car bomb exploded in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta outside the Marriott Hotel on this day in 2003, killing 12 and injuring 150. The Svalbard Polar Bear Attack occurred on this day in 2011, when a rogue Polar Bear attacks and kills a British schoolboy. In 2011 on this day, NASA announced that it's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter had captured photographic evidence of possible liquid water on Mars during warm seasons. Also on this day in 2011, Juno was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on a mission to Jupiter. It was the first solar-powered spacecraft to go to Jupiter. On this day in 2012, a gunman opens fire on Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin killing six people before committing suicide. 19 people are killed by Kurdish rebels in Hakk on this day in 2012. Finally, on this day in 2012, the plutonium-powered rover Curiosity successfully lands on Mars. Larger than earlier rovers, Curiosity will spend two years examining the land, looking for evidence that conditions on Mars are fit for life.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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