Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 1st - This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in 30 BCE, Octavian (later known as Augustus) entered Alexandria, Egypt, and brought it under the umbrella of the Roman Republic. On this day in 527, Justinian I became the sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire. In 607 on this day, Ono no Imoko was dispatched as an envoy to the Sui court in China (Traditional Japanese date: July 3, 607).  In this day in 649, Pope Martinus I was chosen as the successor to Theodorus I [or possibly on 8/7]. On this day in 860 was the Peace of Koblenz between Charles the Bare, Louis the German & Lotharius II. Aghlabidisch Emir Ibrahim II destroyed Taormina, Sicily, on this day in 902. On this day in 1021, the Synod of Pavia, when Emperor Henry II convicted a married priest. In 1086 on this day, the results of the Domesday inquiry were presented to William the Conqueror in Salisbury (it should be noted that the date of compilation and the Great Domesday are historically not entirely certain). The Peace Treaty of Venice was signed on this day in 1177 between Emperor Frederik I & Pope Alexander III. On this day in 1203, Alexius IV Angelus was appointed Co-Regent of Byzantium. In1291 on this day, the Everlasting League formed, which provided a basis of Swiss Confederation (Independence). On this day in 1485, Henry (VII) Tudors army sailed to England. Christopher Columbus landed on "Isla Santa" (Venezuela) on this day in 1498. On this day in 1588, English Admiral Howard van Effingham defeated the Spanish Armada. This day in 1589 saw the assasination of French King Henry III by friar Jacques Clément. On this day in 1619, the first black Americans (20) landed at Jamestown, Virginia. In 1626 on this day, Earl Earnest Casimir conquered Oldenzaal. Emperor Ferdinand II demanded Austrian Protestants convert to Catholicism on this day in 1628. The Battle at St Gotthard was fought on this day in 1664, when Earl Raimondo Montecucculi defeated Ahmed Kiprulu. The Battle at Staffarda was fought on this day in 1690, when the French army defeated Victor Amadeus van Savoye. On this day in 1711, Czar Peter the Great found himself surrounded and was forced to flee Azov. On this day in 1714, Monarch Georg Ludwig became King George I of England. On this day in 1715, the first Doggett's Coat and Badge race (Waterman's race) held on Thames River (London Bridge to Chelsea). The foundation was laid for the Bank of England on this day in 1732. The Battle at Minden in Westfalen was fought on this day in 1759, when Ferdinand van Brunswick defeated France. On this day in 1774, Joseph Priestley, an English theologian and chemist author, discovered oxygen. Prior to that, human beings could not yet breathe (that was a joke, btw). Actually, what really happened was that oxygen was isolated from air successfully by chemist Carl Wilhelm and scientist Joseph Priestly. Sweden declared neutrality on this day in 1780. On this day in 1781, the English army under General Cornwallis occupied Yorktown, Virginia, the very same place where he would surrender to the Americans and the French just a few months later, marking the end of the American War for Independence. Caroline Herschel became the first woman to discover a comet on this day in 1785. The US Customs began enforcing the Tariff Act on this day in 1789. On this day in 1790, the first U.S. census was completed, showing a population of 3,929,214 people. The areas encompassed by the census were the present states of Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia.  On this day in 1793, France officially became the first country to use the metric system. The metric system had been created when the Assemblée nationale had requested that the Paris Academy of Sciences develop a new system of measurements based on multiples of 10, in an effort to simplify things and replace the more complicated traditional units of measurements which had been in use until then. The Whiskey Rebellion began on this day in 1794. The Battle of Abukir on the Nile was fought on this day in 1798, with Nelson defeating the French fleet. On this day in 1814, Belgian King Willem I accepted blame in Southern defeat. London's Regent's Canal opened on this day in 1820. On this day in 1828, Bolton and Leigh Railway opened to freight traffic. London Bridge opened to traffic on this day in 1831. The Black Hawk War ended on this day in 1832. Slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire when the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 came into effect on this day in 1834. On this day in 1836, the HMS Beagle, with soon to be world famous scientist Charles Darwin aboard, returned to Bahia, Brazil. On this day in 1838, the apprenticeship system abolished in most of the British Empire. Former slaves no longer indentured to former owners. Labourer slaves in most of the British Empire were emancipated on this day in 1840. On this day in 1842, Rotherhithe Thames Tunnel opened. In 1842 on this day, the Lombard Street Riot erupted. On this day in 1852, the San Francisco Methodists established the first black church, the Zion Methodist. Castle Clinton in NYC opened on this day iu 1855 as the first US receiving station for immigrants. On this day in 1861, Brazil recognized Confederacy. The Battle of Little Rock, Arkansas; of the Chattanooga campaign started on this day in 1863. Also on this day in 1863, cavalry action near Brandy Station-End of Gettysburg Campaign. The Battle of Petersburg, Virginia, was fought on this day in 1864. Blacks voted for the first time in a US state election in the South (Tennessee) on this day in 1867. The first voyage down the Colorado River came on this day in 1869. On this day in 1873, Andrew S. Hallidie successfully tested a cable car. The design was done for San Francisco, CA. On this day in 1876, Colorado became the 38th state to join the United States. On this day in 1881, the US Quarantine Station authorized for Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. A papyrus was offered to British Museum on this day in 1883 for £10,000, which wound up being a forgery. Also on this day in 1883, inland postal service began in Great Britain. Great Britain annexed Kermadec-Island near New Zealand on this day in 1886. Cecil Rhodes' colonies reached Lundi on his day in 1890. Henry Perky & William Ford patented shredded wheat on this day in 1893. The first Sino-Japanese War erupted on this day in 1894. The dispute was over control of Korea. George Samuelson completes rowing across the Atlantic, from New York  to England, on this day in 1896.There was a mining accident in Wollongong, Australia, which killed 100 on this day in 1902. This day in 1903 marked the completion of the first coast-to-coast automobile trip from San Francisco to New York. On this day in 1907, the U.S. Army established an aeronautical division that later became the U.S. Air Force. The British SS Waratah disappeared on a trip from Sydney to London on this day in 1909, with 300 killed. On this day in 1914, the British fleet reached Scapa Flow. On this day in 1914, Emperor Wilhelm II declared war on his nephew Tsar Nicholas II, beginning the Great War, which now is known as World War  I.. France & Germany both mobilized their armed forces on that same day in 1914, in anticipation of the massive conflict. Germany declared war on Russia on this day in 1914 on the Eastern Front, and on the Western Front at Trois Vierges, the German 69th infantry regiment entered Luxembourg. On this day in 1916,- Hawaii National Park was formed. On this day in 1917, Frank Little, an IWW  organizer, was lynched in Butte, MT. British troops entered Vladivostok on this day in 1918. The Peace of Riga, establishing independence for Latvia, was signed on this day in 1920. There were battles between the Druzen & French in Damascus on this day in 1926. There was a failed assassination attempt on General Primo de Rivera in Barcelona on this day in 1926. On this day in 1933, the death penalty for anti fascists in Germany was passed. The Dutch colonial regime in Batavia arrested Ir Sukarno on this day in 1933. Adolph Hitler opened the XI (11th) Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, on this day in 1936. The Luftwaffe bombed the German 23rd division on this day in 1941. The first Jeep was produced on this day in 1941. Nazi German occupiers demanded a list of all Dutch telephone subscribers on this day in 1942. T On this day in 1943, Japan declared Burmese Independence under U Ba Maw. There were race riots in Harlem, New York, on this day in 1943. On this day in 1943, Sunderland seaplanes sank U-454 & U-383. Adam Clayton Powell was elected as the first black Congressman from the East on this day in 1944. In 1944 on this day was Anne Frank's last diary entry. Just three days later, she was arrested. General Montgomery took command of the 12th & 21st Army on this day in 1944. Also on this day in 1944, the US 90th division occupied St Hilaire-du-Harcourt, and American troops entered Tessy-sur-Vir.  And on this day in 1944, in  Warsaw, Poland, an uprising against Nazi occupation began. The revolt continued until October 2 when Polish forces ultimately surrendered. The Japanese city of Toyama was destroyed by B-29's on this day in 1945. President Harry Truman signed Congressional acts which established the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Fulbright Scholarship program on this day in 1946. The U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations was founded on this day in 1948. On this day in 1950 , the American Bowling Congress ended it's all-white-males rule. On this day in 1950, the Territory of Guam was created, and Guam adopted the constitution (Organic Act). Also on this day in 1950, King Leopold of Belgium abdicated, Baudouin became King. In 1951 on this day, David Ben-Gurion's Mapai-party wins Israeli parliamentary election. California introduced the sales tax (for education) on this day in 1953. Fidel Castro was arrested in Cuba on this day in 1953. On this day in 1953, Northern Rhodesia became a part of the Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland. In 1953 on this day, the first aluminum-faced building was completed. It was the first of this type in America. The first microgravity research began on this day in 1955. Also on this day in 1955, Tengku Abdul Rahman formed the Malacca government. On this day in 1956, the Social Security Act was amended to provide benefits to disabled workers aged 50-64 and disabled adult children. On this day in 1957, the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) was created by the United States and Canada. The first commercial building heated by the Sun was completed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on this day in 1957. First class postage spiked up to 4 cents on this day in 1958. It had been 3 cents for 26 years prior to this. On this day in 1958, the US atomic sub USS Nautilus began the first transit of North Pole in "Operation Sunshine." Pope John XXIII published encyclical Sacerdotii nostri primordia on this day in 1959. Aretha Franklins had her first recording session on this day in 1960. On this day in 19960, Benin (formerly Dahomey) gained independence from France. Chubby Checker released "The Twist" on this day in 1960.Also on this day in 1960, Islamabad was declared as the federal capital of Pakistan. On this dy in 1961, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) limited traffic to West Berlin. There was a failed assassination attempt on President Nkrumah of Ghana on this day in 1962. On this day in 1963, a Beatles Book was sold out on its first day of sale. Also on this day in 1963, the Germany Federal Republic (West Germany) annexed Elten village. In 1966 on this day, the first major school shooting occurred when Charles Whitman wounded 31 & killed 16 at the University of Texas. He had been perched atop a high tower. On this day in 1968, Canada began replacing silver with nickel in coins. Also on this day in 1968, the coronation of Hassanal Bolkiah, the 29th Sultan of Brunei, took place. In 1969 on this day, Mariner 6 sent close-up photos of Mars In 1971 on this day, George Harrison's concert for Bangladesh took place at MSG in NYC. On this day in1972, the first article exposing the Watergate scandal was published, by Bernstein-Woodward. On this day in 1975, the Helsinki Pact accords pledged the signatory nations to respect human rights and guaranteed boundaries would be respected. It was signed by leaders of 38 nations. On this day in 1975, the CSCE Final Act created the Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe. In 1976 on this day, the XXI (21st) Olympic games closed at Montreal, Canada. A flash flood in Big Thompson Canyon, Colorado, on Route 34 occurred on this day in 1976, killing 139. On this day in 1978, Commandos occupied the Iraqi embassy in Paris, with one person killed. In 1979 on this day, Maria de Lurdes Pintasilgo formed a government in Portugal. The Buttevant Rail Disaster killed 18 and injured dozens of train passengers in Ireland on this day in 1980. MTV premiered at 12:01 AM EST on this day in 1981. The very first video shown was Video Killed the Radio Star by the Buggles. Polish Premier Jagielski resigned on this day in 1981. There was heavy Israeli air bombardment on Beirut on this day in 1982. On this day in 1988, the Deep Rover 1-man research submarine unveiled at Crater Lake, Oregon. Iraq pulled out of talks with Kuwait on this day in 1990. Also on this day in 1990, Soyuz TM-10 launched. A train crashed in Havana, Cuba, 6 killing six on this day in 1994. On this day in 1995, Westinghouse Electric Corporation announced a deal to buy CBS for $5.4 billion. An agreement was reached on the position of the minority Albanian language in the Republic of Macedonia, on this day in 2001. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Malta, Slovenia and Slovakia joined the European Environment Agency o this day in 2001. On this day in 2001, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore had a Ten Commandments monument installed in the judiciary building, which led to a lawsuit to have it removed and his own removal from office. A supermarket fire killed 396 people and injured 500 in Asunción, Paraguay, on this day in 2004. In 2006 on this day, Cuban leader Fidel Castro turned over absolute power when he gave his brother Raul authority while he underwent an intestinal surgery. The I-35W Mississippi River Bridge spanning the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapsed during the evening rush hour on this day in 2007. On this day in 2012, Typhoon Saola killed  eleven people and displaced over 150,000 in the Philippines.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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