Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in 3114 BCE, the he Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, used by several pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations, notably the Mayans, begins. This day in 2492 BCE is the traditional date recognized of the defeat of Bel by Hayk, progenitor and founder of the Armenian nation. On this day in 480 BCE during the Greco-Persian Wars, the Battle of Artemisium was fought, with a Persian naval victory over the Greeks in an engagement fought near a promontory on the north coast of Euboea. The Greek fleet held it's own against the Persians in three days of fighting but ultimately withdrew upon news of the defeat at Thermopylae. Claudius Silvanus, accused of treason, proclaimed himself the Roman Emperor against Constantius II on this day in 355. The sea Battle of Zierikzee took place on this day in 1304. Rodrigo de Borja became the Pope Alexander VI on this day in 1492. On this day in 1522, the Uprising of Adel/Burgerij in Austria failed. Germany threw out English sales people on this day in 1597. Emperor Rudolf was forced out as King of Bohemia on this day in 1611. In 1674 on this day was the first Battle of at Seneffe (Louis II Condé vs Willem III). The English & Dutch fleet captured Dunkirk on this day in 1695. The Battle at Cape Passaro was fought on this day in 1718, when the English fleet destroyed the Spanish. On this day in 1772, an explosive eruption blew 4,000' off Papandayan Java, killing 3,000 people. Barbados was hit hard by a hurricane on this day in 1780.   In 1786 on this day, Captain Francis Light established the British colony of Penang in Malaysia. On this day in 1804, Francis II assumed the title of first Emperor of Austria. On this day in 1835, George B Airy began a 46-year reign as England's Astronomer Royal. In 1858 on this day was the first ascent of the Eiger. On this day in 1860, the first successful silver mill in America began operations in Virginia City, Nevada. Cambodia became a French protectorate on this day in 1863. The world's first roller rink opened in Newport, Rhode Island, on this day in 1866. A patent for the sprinkler head was given to Harry S. Parmelee on this day in 1874. On this day in 1877, the two moons of Mars were discovered by Asaph Hall, an American astronomer. He named them Phobos and Deimos.  In 1885 on this day, $100,000 was raised in the United States for the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. On this day in 1896, Harvey Hubbell received a patent for the electric light bulb socket with a pull-chain. In 1904 on this day, German-ltalian General Von Trotha defeated Herero in South-West Africa (present day Namibia). The American ship Arapahoe became the first to ever use the SOS distress signal off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, on this day in 1909. On this day in 1914, France declared war on Austria-Hungary. Jews were expelled from Mitchenick Poland, on this day in 1914. John Wray patented animation on this day in 1914. The Battle of Amiens ended in World War  I on this day in 1918, with Allied forces defeating the Germans.

 Green Bay Packers 

The Green Bay Packers (American) football club was founded on this day in 1919. The Weimar Republic of Germany began on this day in 1919. The first Peace of Riga, with the Soviet Union recognizing the independence of Latvia, occurred on this day in 1920. Dutch Premier de Geer resigned on this day in 1923. On this day in 1924, newsreel pictures were taken of U.S. presidential candidates for the first time.  Presidential candidates were able to make the first film for bio-scoop news. Persia & Iraq signed a  friendship treaty on this day in 1929. There were Russian-Chinese border fights on this day in 1929. On this day in 1933, temperatures reached a scorching 57.8°C (136°F) at San Luis Potosi, Mexica (world record). This day in 1934 marked when the first federal prisoners arrived at Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay On this day in 1935, in a foreboding sign of things to come, there were Nazi mass demonstration against German Jews. In 1936 on this day, Chaing Kai-Shek's troops conquered Canton (Guangzhou in the present day). Sergei Rachmaninov made his last appearance in Europe on this day in 1939. On this day in 1940, there were German air raids on British harbors in Portland and Weymouth. 38 German aircrafts were shot down above England.  On this day in 1942 during the French Occupation in World War II, Pierre Laval publicly announced "the hour of liberation for France is the hour when Germany wins the war."  In 1942 on this day, and lasting until Sept 30, the SS began exterminating 3,500 Jews in Zelov Lodz, Poland. On this day in 1942, 999 Jews are taken from Mechelen transit camp in Belgium. Also on this day in 1942, the British aircraft carrier Eagle was torpedoed & sunk. Finally on this day in 1942, Lt-General Montgomery made a landing on Gibraltar. The Red Army recaptured Tchukujev, at Kharkov, on this day in 1943. There was a US amphibious landing at Brolo on the north coast of Sicily on this day in 1943. Also on this day in 1943, Richard Strauss' 2nd Horn Concert, premiered.

Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, London

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrived in Italy on this day in 1944. The French 5th Armour division recaptured Sées on this day in 1944. On this day in 1944, Klaus Barbie, the Gestapo head of Lyon, France, left for Auschwitz. Finally on this day in 1944, there was a US air raid on Palembang.  In 1945 on this day, the Allies refused Japan's offer of a conditional surrender to retain Emperor Hirohito. The Allies instead informed Japan that they would determine Emperor Hirohito's future status after Japan's surrender. On this day in 1948, the Summer Olympics opened in London. Gaston Eyskens formed a Belgian government on this day in 1949. In 1950 on this day, King Boudouin I took the oath as Royal Prince of Belgium. On this day in 1951, over 100,000 acres were flooded from the Mississippi River in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri & Illinois. In a rare game between the two leagues, on this day in 1951, the NY Giants (NFL) defeated the Ottawa Roughriders (CFL) 38-6 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. On this day in 1952, King Hussein Ibn Talal I was proclaimed King of Jordan, ascending the throne after his father had been declared mentally unfit. On this day in 1954, the BC Lions played their first CFL game, losing to the Montreal Alouettes, 22-0. On this day in 1954, a formal peace took place, ending  over seven years of fighting in Indochina between the French & Communist Vietminh. The Indonesia government of Harahap was formed on this day in 1955. On this day in 1956, abstract artist Jackson Pollock was killed in an automobile accident.  This day in 1956 marked the first flight of the 4-motor Cessna 620. Elvis Presley released "Don't Be Cruel" on this day in 1956. Paul Hindemith's opera "Harmonie der Welt," premiered in Munich, Germany, on this day in 1957. On this day in 1960, Chad declared independence from France In 1962 on this day, Andrian Nikolayev of the Soviet Union, was launched on a 94-hour flight aboard the Vostok 3. He was the third Russian to go into space. The Beach Boys released "Surfin' Safari" on this day in 1962.


The Beatles' "A Hard Days Night" opened in New York City on this day in 1964. Also on this day in 1964, there was a race riot in Paterson NJ. On this day in 1965, following the arrest of a young black motorist, the predominately black neighborhood of Watts in southeast Los Angeles erupted in riots that lasted six days and left 34 dead. On this day in 1965, the Beatles movie "Help" opened in NYC. The final Beatles concert tour of the United States began on this day in 1966. On this day in 1968, the Beatles launched their "Apple Records" label. Also on this day in 1968, the last steam passenger train service ran in Britain. A selection of British Rail steam locomotives made the 120-mile journey from Liverpool to Carlisle and returned to Liverpool before having their fires dropped for the last time - this working was known as the Fifteen Guinea Special. 

The Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans

Construction of the Louisiana Superdome started on this day in 1971. In 1974 on this day, there was a coup in East-Timor under the UDT. On tis day in 1974, there was a head-on collision between two buses in Ankara, Turkey, killing 21. On this day in 1975, the United States vetoed the proposed admission of North & South Vietnam to the United Nations. The Security Counsel had already refused to consider South Korea's application. In 1976 on this day, Keith Moon, drummer for Who, collapsed & was hospitalized in Miami. A race riot broke out on this day in 1976 in Cape Town, South Africa, with 17 people killed. The funeral of Pope Paul VI took place on this day in 1978. In 1978 on this day, the Legionnaire's disease bacteria was isolated in Atlanta. On this day in 1980, Angola revised it's constitution. Mohammed Ali Radjai was appointed the Premier of Iran on this day in 1980. On this day in 1984, 101,799 fans in Los Angeles attended the Olympic Gold Medal Match in soccer between Brazil vs France France defeated Brazil, 2-0. In 1984 on this day, Carl Lewis duplicated Jesse Owens' 1936 feat, wining four Olympic gold medals in track golds. Also on this day in 1984,  American President Ronald Reagan was preparing for his weekly radio broadcast when, during  testing of the microphone, Reagan said of the Soviet Union, "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you that I just signed legislation that would outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."  Finally on this day in 1984, the Men's choir Maranatha formed in Netherlands. The Challenger flew to the Kennedy Space Center on this day in 1985 via Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona. France & Great-Britain sent minesweepers to the Persian Gulf on this day in 1987. In 1988 on this day, Meir Kahane renounced US citizenship to stay in the Israeli Parliament. Al-Qaeda formed on this day in 1988. Also on this day in 1988, Dick Thornburgh was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be the next attorney general. He succeeded Edwin Meese III.  On this day in 1989, Voyager 2 discovers 2 partial rings of Neptune. Troops from Egypt & Morocco landed in Saudi Arabia and joined American forces to prevent a potential Iraqi invasion on this day in 1990. On this day in 1991, 400,000 demonstrated for democracy in Madagascar, with 31 killed. Shite Moslems releases American hostage Edward Tracy on this day in 1991. Also on this day in 1991, the space shuttle Atlantis 9 (STS 43) ended its nine-day journey by landing safely. Pope John Paul II visited  Mexico on this day in 1993. On this day in 1994, Joao B "Nino" Vieira was elected President of Guinee-Bissau. Also on this day in 1994, the Tenth International Conference on AIDS ended in Japan. Finally on this day in 1994, a U.S. federal jury awarded $286.8 million to about 10,000 commercial fishermen for losses as a result of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.  All U.S. nuclear tests were banned by President Clinton on this day in 1995. In 1997 on this day, American President Clinton made the first use of the line-item veto approved by Congress, rejecting three items in spending and tax bills. Benin legalized January 10th as a voodoo holiday on this day in 1997. In 1998 on this day, British Petroleum became No. 3 among oil companies with the $49 billion purchase of Amoco. It was the largest foreign takeover of a U.S. company. There was a total solar eclipse in India-North -France (lasting 2 minutes and 23 seconds) on this day in 1999. On this day in 1999, a tornado in Salt Lake City tore through the downtown district of the city, killing one. US Airways announced that it had filed for bankruptcy on this day in 2002. In 2003 on this day, Charles Taylor, the President of Liberia, formally relinquished his office to Vice-President Moses Blah and fled into exile in Nigeria. Jemaah Islamiyah, the leader Riduan Isamuddin, better known as Hambali, was arrested in Bangkok, Thailand, on this day in 2003. On this day in 2003, a heat wave in Paris resulted in temperatures rising to 44° C (112°F), leaving about 144 people dead. Finally on this day in 2003, NATO took over command of the peacekeeping force of 5,000 in Kabul, Afghanistan, marking its first major operation outside Europe in its 54-year-history. On this day in 2012, 153 people were killed and 1,300 injured in Tabriz and Ahar, Iran after two earthquakes of up to 6.4 magnitude. Finally on this day in 2012, 13 people were killed and 15 injured by a lightning strike at a Mosque in Bangladesh.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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