Thursday, August 1, 2024

Seeing A Lot of Coyotes Lately

Just lately, I have been seeing a lot of large coyotes. I mean, a lot of them.

First of all, they seem to have appeared frequently by both of my job sites, which are close together in Parsippany, New Jersey. So there have been numerous sitings of them, but especially in the evening, overnights, and early mornings, when there are less people around, understandably.

Then yesterday, while I was walking around my hometown of Hillsborough, New Jersey, I spotted what appeared to be another large coyote, who seemed alarmed by my presence, and began to retreat back into the woods.

Some people are alarmed by them. And in fact, I would be, too, if they were in a pack. However, it has been a privilege to spot these wild animals. One of them was actually quite close to my car after I left my workplace early in the morning, and so I took some pictures. You can get an appreciation of how big this creature is when he is by the parking spaces.

Take a look at the pictures of these incredible creatures. 

Figured I might as well add some pictures of the sunset which I took last evening, as well:

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