Friday, August 2, 2024

August 2nd: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

 The Tower Subway in London was opened, becoming the firtst underground public transportation system to do so. 

The anniversary of the "Dead Man's Hand" is today, as "Wild" Bill Hickok was killed with a pair of black aces and black eights in his hand.

Lincoln pennies began to be minted on this day in 1909. France and Germany declared war on one another in 1914, as World War I really got going. Hindenburg died on this day, which Hitler quickly took advantage of to assume more powers for himself and the Nazis, making himself Commander-in-Chief. 

An armed revolt broke out in Treblinka. The Potsdam Conference between Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill ended. This was the anniversary of the Pentago reporting that North Vietnam had attacked two American vessels, which led to stepped up American involvement in Vietnam, in what would become the longest war that the United States had ever gotten involved in (since surpassed by American involvement in Afghanistan). Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded Kuwait on this day in 1990.

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

A Macedonian army led by Philip II defeated the combined forces of Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaeronea on this day in 338 BCE, securing Macedonian hegemony in Greece and the Aegean. On this day in 216 BCE, the Battle of Cannae during the Second Punic War was fought, with the Carthaginian army led by Hannibal defeating a numerically superior Roman army under Command Consuls Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro. In 257 on this day, St Stephen I ended his reign as Catholic Pope. On this day in 1057, Frederik van Lotharingen was elected as the first Belgium Pope Stephen IX [X]. On this day in 1492, Jews were expelled from Spain by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. On this day in 1542, French troops left. Flanders. The Treaty of Passau was signed on this day in 1552, when Emperor Charles V accepting the Lutheran religion. The Battle of Rijmenam was fought on this day in 1578.  In 1581 on thi day, Leiden University named Snellius as a math professor. Henry Hudson entered the bay later named after him, the Hudson Bay, on this day in 1610. On this day in 1665 was the  French expedition against Barbarians in Tunis/Algiers. The Duke of Marlborough defeated the French & Bavarians at Blenheim on this day in 1704. Austria joined the Triple Alliance on this day in 1718. France offered eEmperor Karel VI mediation in the war against the Ottoman Empire on this day in 1738. On this day in 1776, members of the Continental Congress (56 of them) began formally adding their signatures to the Declaration of Independence. In 1782 on this day, George Washington created the Honorary Badge of Distinction. In 1786 on this day, Utrechtse Vroedschap fled. Horace the Saussure reached the top of Mont Blanc on this day in 1787. The first US Census was conducted on this day in 1790. On this day in 1791,Samuel Briggs and his son Samuel Briggs, Jr. received a joint patent for their nail-making machine. They were the first father-son pair to receive a patent. The British under Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated the French at the Battle of Nile on this day in 1798. Napoleon was given the title of "Counsel for Life" on this day in 1802. The first parachute jump in the United States took place on this day in 1819. On this day in 1824 in New York City, Fifth Avenue was opened. Charles X of France abdicated the throne in favour of his grandson the Duc de Bordeaux on this day in 1830. On this day in 1831, the Ten Day Campaign started, when the Dutch army occupied Belgium. In 1832 on this day, the Battle of Bad Axe, Wisconsin, was fought. Approximately 1,300 Illinois militia defeated Sauk & Fox Native Americans, which effectively ended the Black Hawk War in the United States. The first mailboxes were installed in Boston and NYC streets on this day in 1858. Also on this day in 1858, the government of India transferred from East India Company to the British Crown. There was a skirmish at Dug Springs, Michigan, on this day in 1861. Also on this day in 1861, the United States Congress passed the first income tax. The revenues were intended for the war effort against the South. However, the tax was never enacted. Lewis Carroll published "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" on this day in 1865. Also on this day in 1865, the Trans Atlantic Cable that was then  in the process of being laid by SS Great Eastern snapped & was lost. Tower Subway, the world's first underground tube railway, opened in London on this day in 1870. This day in 1873, the first trial run of SF cable car, at Clay Street between Kearny & Jones. On this day in 1875, the first roller skating rink opened in London. The SF Public Library opened on this day in 1877 with 5,000 volumes. Dutch Queen Emma  was appointed as Regent on this day in 1884. On this day in 1887, Rowell Hodge patented barbed wire. Charles A Wheeler patented a prototype of the escalator on this day in 1892. Death Duties were first introduced in Britain on this day in 1894. Also on this day in 1894, the Dutch Society for Women Suffrage received a royal charter. In 1903 on this day, there was an unsuccessful uprising of Macedonians against the Ottoman Empire. It was on this day in 1909 that the first Lincoln head pennies minted, for any coin enthusiasts or collectors out there. The Army Air Corps formed on this day in 1909 as the Army took the first delivery from the Wright Brothers. Haiti's dictator Simon fled on the US warship near Jamaica on this day in 1911. This day in 1914 proved to be a very busy one, as the so-called Great War, better known now as World War I, was really getting underway. It was on this day in 1914 that the Belgian government received an ultimatum from Germany, while German troops overthrew the government in neighboring Luxembourg. Germany and the Ottoman Empire signed a secret treaty on this day in 1914. Also on this day in 1914, the German press falsely reported that the French bombed Nuremberg. Great Britain began mobilizing on this day in 1914. Russian troops invaded Eastern Prussia on this day in 1914. And the Potsdam Conference ended on this day in 1914.Finallt, it was on this day in 1914 that the Sherlock Holmes Adventure "His Last Bow" took place. On this day in 1916 during World War I, an Austrian sabotage caused the sinking of the Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci in Taranto. In 1918 on this day, Japan announced that it is deploying troops to Siberia in the aftermath of World War I. In 1921 on this day, a Chicago jury delivered a not guilty verdict against the Black Sox. Eight White Sox players were acquitted of throwing the 1919 World Series. On this day in 1922, China was hit by a typhoon; with about 60,000 people killed as a result. On this day in 1926, John Barrymore and Mary Astor starred in the first showing of the Vitaphone System. The system was the combining of picture and sound for movies. In 1928 on this day, Benito Mussolini signed a peace treaty with Abyssinia (Ethiopia). On this day in 1932, the positron (antiparticle of the electron) was discovered by Carl D. Anderson. The first airplane train, plane towed 3 mail gliders behind it on this day in 1934. In 1934 on this day, Adolph Hitler officially became the Commander-in-Chief of Germany shortly after the death of President Paul von Hindenburg. On this day in 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed in America, essentially rendering marijuana and all its by-products illegal. Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the U.S. to have an atomic weapons research program on this day in 1939, wit the outbreak of World War II right around the corner. U.S. President Roosevelt signed the Hatch Act on this day in 1939. The act prohibited civil service employees from taking an active part in political campaigns. On tis day in 1940, Clermont-Ferrand sentenced Gen Charles de Gaulle to death. KL-House of Saxon & commandos focused on Gross Rosen, Silesia, on this day in 1940. The German 11st Army surrounded 20 Russian divisions at Oeman on this day in 1941. On this day in 1941. Jews were expelled from Hungarian Ruthenia. 250 Dutch Catholic Jews were arrested and transported to Amersfoort camp on this day in 1942. Col-Gen Hoth' Pantser's army reached Kotelnikovo on this day in 1942. An armed revolt broke out at th Treblinka death camp on this day in 1943. The crematorium was destroyed. Also on this day in 1943, the U.S. Navy patrol torpedo a boat, PT-109, sank by the Solomon Islands after being attacked by a Japanese destroyer. The boat was under the command of Lt. John F. Kennedy. The RAF bombed Hamburg on this day in 1943. In 1943 on this day, Sunderland seaplanes sank U-706 & U-106. Jewish survivors of Kovono Ghetto emerged from their bunker on this day in 1944. Turkey broke diplomatic relationship with Nazi-Germany on this day in 1944. On this day in 1945, the Potsdam Conference ended. It had been where the victorious Allied leaders - Stalin, Truman and Churchill - had met with a focus on planning the postwar governance of Germany. Tahar Ben Ammar was appointed the Premier of Tunisia on this day in 1954. On this day in 1958, Jordan & Iraq dissolved their Arab Federation after 3 months.

The Beatles first gig as a house band of Liverpool's Cavern Club took place on this day in 1961. Cyrille Adula became the Premier of Congo on this day in 1961. On this day in 1962, NASA civilian test pilot Joseph A Walker took the X-15 to 32,600 metres. The Dutch government gave Indonesia export guarantees on this day in 1964. On this day in 1964, the Pentagon reported the first of two North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. There was a race riot in Jersey City NJ, on this day in 1964. Morley Safer's sent the first report from Vietnam indicating that the United States might not be winning the conflict on this day in 1965. On this day in 1967, the US's Lunar Orbiter 5 launched; and it entered lunar orbit on Aug 5th. The second Blackwall Tunnel opened in Greenwich, London, on this day in 1967. American President Nixon visited Romania on this day in 1969. Gold hit a record $70 an ounce in London on this day in 1972. On this day in 1980, fascists were behind a bomb attack at a train station in Bologna, Italy, with 86 killed. A US District Court began trying the town of Yonkers, which was accused of race discrimination on this day in 1983. Also on this day in 1983, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a law that designated the third Monday of January would be a federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The law was signed by President Reagan on November 2. In 1985 on this day, 5 died in a train crash in Westminster Colorado. A Delta Lockheed L-1011 crashed at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, with 137 killed on this day in 1985. Also on this day in 1985, NASA launched space vehicle S-209. System Enhancement Association settles case with PK ware (ARC vs PKARC) on this day in 1988. On this day in 1989, NASA confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 N3 & 1989 N24. It was on this day in 1990 that Iraq invaded the oil-rich country of Kuwait. Iraq claimed that Kuwait had driven down oil prices by exceeding production quotas set by OPEC. The Emir of Kuwait fled to neighboring Saudi Arabia.  On this day in 1991, Space Shuttle STS 43 (Atlantis 9) was launched. In 1993 on this day, a train crashed in a tunnel at Vega de Anzo Spain, with 12 killed. There was an explosion at a lead/zinc mine in Guangxi, China, with 120+ killed on this day in 1994. On this day in 1995, China ordered the expulsion of two U.S. Air Force officers. The two were said to have been caught spying on military sights. Finally, on this day in 2012, 23 people were killed after two blasts in a fruit market in Lahore, Pakistan

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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