Friday, August 23, 2024

August 23rd: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in history, there were the first stirrings of Mount Vesuvius, on the feast day of the Vulcan - ironically, the Roman god of fire. Philip VI was crowned King of France. This date was an important one for Napoleon, as he left Egypt for France, in order to take over power. Some years later, his French forces were defeated by the Prussians during the Battle of Grossbeeren. The British captured Hong Kong from China on this day. The Treaty of Prague ended the Austro-Prussian War. Japan declared war on Germany in 1914, although the same two countries would be allied with one another in the next global war. Sacoo and Vanzetti were sentenced on this day. Arabs attacked Jews in Palestine, in what would later become Israel. The world found out that Hitler's Nazi Germany and Stalin's Communist Soviet Union had signed a non-aggression treaty (known officially as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), that proved anything but non-aggressive in fact, as it effectively gave Hitler the green light to invade Poland, which started World War II. The Germans took over the western portion of Poland, while the Soviet Union then took over in the Eastern portion shortly thereafter. East Germany imposed increased travel restrictions to West Germany. This was an important day in the history of the Beatles, as they  released "She Loves You", and on the same day, Ringo Starr admitted that he did not write "Don't Pass Me By".  A few years later on this same day, Ringo temporarily left the Beartles. Years after the actual breakup of the Beatles, John Lennon reported seeing a UFO on this day in 1974. Communists took over in Laos. It was on this day in 1990 that East and West Germany announced that they would reunify into one Germany later that year, on October 3rd.

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in  the year 79, Mount Vesuvius began stirring, ironically enough, on the feast day of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. In 406 on this day, the Battle at Florence was fought, with Stilicho's Roman army defeating Radagaisus' Barbarians. Odoacer was proclaimed King of of Italy on this day in 476, the first "barbarian" King of Italy. King Henry III gave money to Utrecht Deventer diocese on this day in 1046. On this day in 1305, William Wallace, Scottish patriot and leader, and now national hero, was executed in London for high treason by Edward I of England.

1328 - Battle at Kassel: French troops stop uprising of Flemish farmers
1328 - King Philip VI of France, crowned
1441 - Holland & Hanzesteden sign cease fire treaty
1514 - Battle of Chaldiran ended with a decisive victory for the Sultan Selim I, Ottoman Empire, over the Shah Ismail I, Safavids founder.
1541 - French explorer Jacques Cartier lands near Quebec City in his third voyage to Canada.
1542 - Rabbi Joseph Caro completes his commentary of Tur Code
1553 - Bishop Stephen Gardiner appointed English Lord Chancellor
1555 - Calvinists are granted rights in the Netherlands.
1566 - Beeldenstorm reaches Amsterdam
1566 - Land guardian Margaretha van Parma grants Calvinists rights
1582 - French van Valois pays tribute to earl of Flanders
1595 - Michael the Brave confronts the Ottoman army in the Battle of Calugareni.
1614 - University of Groningen opens
1617 - 1st one-way streets open (London)
Scottish Patriot William WallaceScottish Patriot William Wallace 1708 - Meidingnu Pamheiba is crowned King of Manipur.
1711 - Admiral Hovenden Walkers fleet reach St Lawrence
1784 - Eastern Tennessee settlers declare their area an independent state & name it Franklin; a year later the Continental Congress rejects it
1796 - African Methodist Episcopal Church incorporated
1799 - Napoleon leaves Egypt for France en route to seize power.
1813 - Battle of Grossbeeren - Prussians under Von Bulow repulse French
1821 - Mexico declares independence
1838 - Mt Holyoke Female Seminary (South Hadley, Mass) 1st graduating class
1839 - British capture Hong Kong from China
1850 - 1st national women's rights convention convenes in Worcester Mass
1862 - Skirmish at Big Hill, Kentucky (2 Federal regiments)
1864 - Union troops/fleet occupy Fort Morgan, Alabama
1866 - Treaty of Prague ends Austro-Prussian war
1869 - 1st carload of freight (boots & shoes) arrives in SF, from Boston
1872 - 1st Japanese coml ship visits SF, carrying tea
1873 - Albert Bridge creossing Thames opens
1879 - Governor-general Charles Gordon of Sudan returns to Cairo
1883 - Phillies make 27 errors against Providence (wild pitches, walks & & passballs count as errors prior to 1888)
1889 - 1st ship-to-shore wireless message received in US (SF)
1896 - First Cry of the Philippine Revolution is made in Pugad Lawin (Quezon City), in the province of Manila.
1898 - 18th US Mens Tennis: Malcolm Whitman beats Dwight Davis (36 62 62 61)
1900 - National Negro Business League organizes (Boston)
1903 - 6th Zionist Congres, Theodor Herzl declares Jewish state
1904 - Automobile tire chain patented
1906 - Chicago White Sox win 19th straight, beating Wash Senators
1906 - Cuba's 1st president Tomés Estrada Palma asks for US intervention
1907 - Pitts Howie Camnitz no-hits NY Giants, 1-0 in 5 inning game
1910 - Fred Clarke makes a record 4 outfield assists for Pittsburgh
1911 - British premier Asquith holds secret meeting about British strategy in case of war with Germany
1914 - -24] German troops plunder Belgium
1914 - Battle at Mons: general von Klucks troops beat Britten
1914 - Gen von Hausen executes 612 inhabitants of Dinant Belgium
1914 - Japan declares war on Germany in World War I
1915 - Czar Nicolaas II takes control of Russian Army
1916 - Military court of Berlin sentences Karl Liebknecht to 4 years
1917 - Race riot in Houston Texas (2 blacks & 11 whites killed)
1919 - "Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premieres in Chicago Tribune
1920 - M R Rinehart & A Hopwood's "Bat," premieres in NYC
1923 - Capt. Lowell Smith and Lt. John P. Richter performed the first mid-air refueling on De Havilland DH-4B, setting an endurance flight record of 37 hours.
1924 - Mars' closest approach to Earth since 10th century
1926 - 40th US Womens Tennis: Molla B Mallory beats Elizabeth Ryan (46 64 97)
1929 - Arabs attack Jews in Israel
1930 - 44th US Womens Tennis: Betty Nuthall beats Anna McCune Harper (61 64)
1931 - 45th US Womens Tennis: Helen Moody beats Eileen B Whitingstall (64 61)
1931 - Count Gyula Károlyi becomes premier of Hungary
1931 - Phila A's Lefty Grove, loses 1-0 (Browns) after winning 16 straight
1933 - 1st TV boxing match - Archie Sexton & Laurie Raiteri in London
1936 - 17 year old Bob Feller's 1st game, he strikes out 15 St Louis Browns
1938 - England score 7-903 decl v Australia Hutton 364
1939 - John Cobb (Britain) drives 365.85 MPH (593.48 KPH) at Bonneville Flats
Soviet Union Premier Joseph StalinSoviet Union Premier Joseph Stalin 1939 - Molotov-Ribbentrop pact: East Europe divided between Hitler & Stalin
1939 - USSR & Germany sign a non-agression pact
1939 - Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact (Soviet Union neutral/Poland divided)
1940 - German Luftwaffe begins night bombing on London
1940 - Queen Wilhelmina fires premier De Geer
1942 - 1st US flights to land on Guadalcanal
1942 - Battle of Stalingrad: 600 Luftwaffers bomb Stalingrad (40,000 die)
1942 - British Premier Winston Churchill flies back to London from Cairo
1942 - Walter Johnson pitches to Babe Ruth in pregame attraction that draws 69,000 for NY-Wash game (raises $80,000 for Army-Navy relief
1942 - World War II: The last cavalry charge in history takes place at Izbushensky.
1943 - Red army recaptures Charkow
1943 - World War II: Kharkov liberated.
1944 - 94.5°F (34.7°C) in De Bilt Netherlands & 101.5°F (38.6°C) in Warnsvelt
1944 - Allied troops capture Marseilles France
1944 - General George Leclercs troops advance towards Paris
Soldier, author, journalist, politician Winston ChurchillSoldier, author, journalist, politician Winston Churchill 1944 - General Montgomery consults with Generals Bradley/Eisenhower
1944 - King Michael of Romania ordered his forces to cease fire against Allies & dismissed the pro-Axis premier, Marshal Ion Antonescu
1944 - Romania liberated from Nazi occupation
1944 - Sammellager Drancy freed
1944 - US 20th Army corp enter Fontainebleau/Melun de Seine
1944 - US B-24 crashes into school in Freckelton England, 76 killed
1944 - World War II: Marseille liberated.
1946 - 13th NFL Chicago All-Star Game: All-Stars 16, Los Angeles 0 (97,380)
1946 - Ordinance No. 46 of the British Military Government constitutes the German Land (state) of Schleswig-Holstein.
1947 - Pres Truman's daughter, Margaret's 1st public singing concert
1948 - Earl Bernadotte asks aid for fugitives to Palestine
1948 - World Council of Churches formed by 147 churches from 44 countries
1950 - Jack Holden wins marathon (2:32:12)
1950 - West Germany & Japan readmitted to Intl Amateur Athletic Federation
1952 - Arab League security pact goes into effect

1952 - Giants Bob Elliot is ejected for arguing a strike, Bobby Hoffman complete his at bat, he strikes out & is also ejected for arguing
1953 - Braves Phil Paine is 1st former major leaguer to play in Japan
1953 - Cyclist Arie Van Vliet becomes world champion sprinter
1953 - Dutch DC-6 crashes near Ymuiden in North Sea, 21 die
1953 - KBAK TV channel 29 in Bakersfield, CA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1953 - Phil Grate sets record for throwing a baseball (443'3")
1953 - USSR performs nuclear test
1954 - President Getulio Vargas of Brazil resigns temporarily
1954 - First flight of the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft.
1955 - Betty Jameson wins LPGA White Mountain Golf Open
1957 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1958 - China PR resumes fire on Quemoi & Matsoe
1958 - Marie Ashton completes playing piano a female record 133 hours
1958 - Chinese Civil War: The Second Taiwan Strait crisis begins with the People's Liberation Army's bombardment of Quemoy.
1959 - Beverly Hanson wins LPGA Spokane Golf Open
1960 - World's largest frog (3.3 kg) caught (Equatorial Guinea)
1961 - Belgium sends troops to Rwanda-Urundi
1961 - East Germany imposed new curbs on travel between West & East Berlin
1961 - US lunar probe Ranger 1 reaches 190 km from Earth, falls back
1962 - 1st Europe-US live TV program (via Telstar)
1963 - Beatles release "She Loves You" in UK
1963 - Ringo admits he wrote a song "Don't Pass Me By"
1963 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1964 - Marilynn Smith wins Albuquerque Professional Amateur Golf Tournament
1964 - St Louis Cards are 11 games back in NL, & win World Series
1966 - Lunar Orbiter 1 takes 1st photograph of Earth from Moon
1968 - Ringo quits Beatles over a disagreement, temporarily
1968 - Yanks & Tigers play 3-3 tie in 19 due to 1 AM curfew
1969 - Audrey McElmory (US) wins World Cycling Championships, Brno
1969 - France's Une De Mai wins International Trot at Roosevelt Raceway Czechoslovakia (1st American to win cycling race title since 1912)
1970 - Kathy Ahern wins LPGA Southgate Ladies Golf Open
1970 - Roberto Clemente compiles his record 2nd straight 5-hit game
1971 - WGTU TV channel 29 in Traverse City, MI (ABC) begins broadcasting
1972 - Republican convention (Miami Beach, Fla) renominates VP Agnew but not unanimous-1 vote went to NBC newsman David Brinkley)
1972 - Chicago's Dick Allen is 4th (Jimmie Foxx, Hank Greenberg, & Alex Johnson) to homer into Comiskey Park's center field bleachers
1973 - Intelsat communications satellite launched
1974 - John Lennon reports seeing a UFO in NYC
1974 - Zaheer Abbas scores 240 Pakistan v England at The Cricket Oval
1975 - Classical Way wins Championship Cup at Roosevelt Raceway
1975 - Communists take over Laos
1975 - Ethiopian junta under Mengistu Haile
1975 - Free guitarist Paul Kossoff revived from dead after heart attack
1975 - Philip Kapleau conducts 1st jukai ceremony in Poland
1975 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1976 - Heavy earthquake strikes China, 1,000s die
1977 - 1st man-powered flight of a mile (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor)
1977 - Marxist philosopher Rudolf Bahro imprisoned in German DR
1978 - Iranian students occupies Iranian embassy at Wassenaar
1979 - Bolshoi Ballet dancer Alexander Godunov defects in NYC
1979 - Iran army opens offensive against Kurds
1979 - UN's Vienna office opens
1980 - Charlie Finley sells A's for $127M to Haas (owners of Levi Strauss)
1981 - Beth Daniel wins LPGA World Championship of Women's Golf
1982 - Lebanese falangist leader Bechir Gemayel elected as president
1982 - Seattle Mariner pitcher Gaylord Perry ejected for throwing a spitter
1982 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1985 - Said Aouita of Morocco sets 1.5k record (3:29.46) in Berlin
1985 - South African attorney/UDF leader "Dulah" Omar arrested
1985 - West German top counter espionage Hans Tiedge moves to German DR
1985 - Paul Hornung awarded $1,160,000 by a Louisville court against NCAA who barred him as a college football analyst for betting on games
1986 - "Rags" closes at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC after 4 performances
1986 - Vrijkomend vulkaangas kills 1500 people in Nyos-more, Cameroon
1987 - 15-years old boy hijacks KLM B737, demands $1 billion
1987 - Betsy King wins Atlantic City LPGA Golf Classic
1987 - Violent rainfall/floods in Bangladesh, kills 100s
1988 - Mike Tyson & Mitch Green brawl at 4 A.M. in Harlem
1989 - LA Dodgers beat Montreal Expos, 1-0, in 22 innings (Rick Dempsey HR)
1989 - Lewis/Everett/Burrell/Heard run world record 4x200 m (1:19.38)
1990 - Armenia declares independence
1990 - East & West Germany announced that they would unite on Oct 3
1990 - US begins call up of 46,000 reservists to the Persian Gulf
1992 - Kris Tschetter wins LPGA Northgate Computer Golf Classic
1992 - Dennis Eckersley, who previously set record for most consecutive saves (40), is 1st pitcher to record 40 saves in 4 different seasons
1993 - NY Dow Jones index reaches record high of 3,638.96 points
1993 - Fred McGriff & David Justice are 6th to hit back-to-back HRs twice in same game
1995 - Indians' Jose Mesa sets record with his 38th consecutive save
1995 - Larry Hagman receives a liver transplant
1996 - Osama bin Laden issues message entitled 'A declaration of war against the Americans occupying the land of the two holy places.'
2000 - A Gulf Air Airbus A320 crashes into the Persian Gulf near Manama, Bahrain, killing 143.
2000 - Nicaragua becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty. This essentially deprecated the Buenos Aires Convention treaty, because as of this date, all members of the BA Convention were also signatories to Berne.
Islamic Militant & Terrorist Osama bin LadenIslamic Militant & Terrorist Osama bin Laden 2005 - Hurricane Katrina forms over the Bahamas, later becomes a category 5 hurricane
2005 - TANS Peru Flight 204 crashes near Pucallpa, Peru, killing 41.
2006 - Natascha Kampusch, who was abducted at the age of 10, managed to escape from her captor Wolfgang Priklopil, after 8 years of captivity.
2010 - Manila hostage crisis, which occurred at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila, where a dismissed police officer took hostage a tour bus full of Chinese nationals.
2011 - Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi is overthrown after the National Transitional Council forces take control of Bab al-Azizia compound during the 2011 Libyan Civil War.
2011 - 5.8 earthquake occurrs in Mineral, Virginia felt as far north as Ontario and as far south as Atlanta, Georgia
2012 - Four people are killed and 28 injured in a hot air ballooning accident in Slovenia
2012 - At least 30 are killed as a result of monsoon rain in Rajasthan, India

1838 - The first class graduated from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley, MA. It was one of the first colleges for women.   1839 - Hong Kong was taken by the British in a war with China.   1858 - "Ten Nights in a Barroom" opened in New York City at the National Theater. It was a melodrama about the evils of drinking.   1892 - The printed streetcar transfer was patented by John H. Stedman.   1902 - Fannie Merrit Farmer opened her cooking school, Miss Farmer’s School of Cookery, in Boston, MA.   1904 - Hard D. Weed patented the grip-tread tire chain for cars.   1914 - Tsingtao, China, was bombarded as Japan declared war on Germany in World War I.   1939 - Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty.   1944 - During World War II, Romanian prime minister Ion Antonescue was dismissed. Soon after the country would abandon the Axis and join the Allies.   1944 - Marseilles was captured by Allied troops during World War II.   1947 - Margaret Truman, U.S. President Truman's daughter, gave her first public performance as a singer. The event was at the Hollywood Bowl and had an audience of 15,000.   1952 - The security pact of the Arab League went into effect.   1959 - In the Peanuts comic strip, Sally debuted as an infant.   1962 - The first live TV program was relayed between the U.S. and Europe through the U.S. Telstar satellite.   1970 - U.S. swimmer Gary Hall broke three world records at the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) outdoor swimming meet, held in Los Angeles, CA.   1979 - Soviet dancer Alexander Godunov defected while the Bolshoi Ballet was on tour in New York City.   1982 - The parliament of Lebanon elected Bashir Bemayel president. He was assassinated three weeks later.   1982 - Gaylord Perry (Seattle Mariners) was tossed out of a game for throwing an illegal spitball.   1983 - The U.S. announced that it was nearly ready for a test flight of an anti-satellite missile.   1984 - South Fork Ranch, the home of the fictitious Ewing clan of the CBS-TV show, "Dallas," was sold. The ranch was to be transformed from a tourist site into a hotel.   1987 - Robert Jarvik and Marilyn Mach vos Savant were married. The event was called the "Union of Great Minds" since Savant had an IQ of 228 and Jarvik was the inventor of the artificial heart.   1990 - President Saddam Hussein appeared on Iraqi state television with a group of Western detainees that he referred to as "guests." He told the group that they were being held "to prevent the scourge of war."   1993 - It was confirmed by Los Angeles police that Michael Jackson was the subject of a criminal investigation.   1996 - U.S. President Clinton imposed limits on peddling cigarettes to children.   1998 - Protestors in Sudan carried a sign that bore the resemblance of Monica Lewinsky and the words "No War for Monika." The anti-U.S. demonstration was in Khartoum, Sudan.   1998 - Boris Yeltsin dismissed the Russian government again.   1999 - Rescuers in Turkey found a young boy that had been buried in rubble from an earthquake for about a week.   1999 - Robert Bogucki was rescued after getting lost in the Great Sandy Desert of Australia on July 11. During the 43 day ordeal Bogucki lost 44 pounds.   2000 - Richard Hatch was revealed as the winning castaway on CBS' "Survivor." Hatch won $1,000,000 for his stay on the island of Pulau Tida in the South China Sea.

1305 Scottish leader and national hero, William Wallace, was executed in London. 1914 Japan declared war on Germany in World War I. 1926 Silent film star Rudolph Valentino died in New York at age 31. 1927 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed for the murders of two men during a 1920 robbery, despite worldwide protests. 1939 Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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