Thursday, March 3, 2022

Upbeat Tourist Gets Doused By Trademark New York City Welcome

Since I was on the topic of New York City earlier, with my son and I having recently paid the Big Apple a brief visit, it seemed like this video was worth sharing. It is not a tourist video that rambles on about all the big touristy things that you can see and do (and money you can spend) during your visit. Quite the opposite, actually.

With all of the dire headlines in the news around the world lately - even more depressing than it normally is, frankly - it seemed like a good time to take a short break from that.

So I thought that maybe this very short video clip would provide some comedic relief.

New York City is, of course, notoriously rude and abrasive. I mean, it would have to be. Any city that puts up signs literally warning drivers to not even THINK of parking here will surely have something of an attitude at times, right?

Anyway, this short video clip kind of encapsulates that welcoming spirt that New York City is so famous for the world over. It made me laugh, even if it is admittedly a bit crass. Hopefully, it will make you laugh, as well. 

Now admittedly, there is a little bit of a guilty feeling in laughing at this. Guess it's a guilty pleasure. But feeling guilty or not, it still makes me laugh, pretty much every time. The part that always makes me laugh the most is her reaction, which seems like a mixture of shock and disgust.

Welcome to the Big Apple, lady! You've already gotten a taste of what all true New Yorkers are all too familiar with.

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