Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Alabama Newspaper Editor Asks the KKK to Lynch Democrats

Another blog entry that I meant to post much earlier, but which just kind of fell into back-burner status for a while, with everything that was going on.

But while perusing through my unpublished posts earlier, I noticed this one about an Alabama newspaper editor - usually someone in a position that you might feel is in a position of responsibility - suggesting that it might be time 

Yes, the editor and publisher of the Democrat-Reporter, Goodloe Sutton, wrote the Op/Ed piece last month. It is a print only newspaper, no online articles or access or anything like that. Still, it garnered the attention of students from Auburn University, who went ahead and took pictures and released them. 

Basically, Sutton argued that Democrats were going to raise taxes, and called on the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to hang them. 

Once upon a time, Sutton had been a real journalist, and had received accolades from serious newspapers, including the New York Times.

Needless to say, he has completely disgraced himself, and local politicians are now calling on Sutton to resign. I do not believe that he has done so yet, but after this, he should - emphasis is should - be so widely discredited as to never have any significant influence again. And good riddance to bad rubbish, right?

Then again, this is America in 2019, and Trump is president. This is exactly the kind of story that we had not heard about for a long, long time, yet seems to have made a resurgence ever since the political rise of Trump. So, you never can tell. 

Alabama newspaper editor calls on KKK to lynch Democrats 19 February 2019 Share this with Facebook Share this with Messenger Share this with Twitter Share this with Email Share

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