Tuesday, March 12, 2019

General Motors Employees Rally at Ohio Plant on Final Day of Work For Them

When still a candidate, Donald Trump promised a lot of things. Most famously (or infamously), he promised to make Mexico pay for his vanity border wall. He promised to defeat ISIS within 30 days. He promised to save the coal industry. He promised to lock up Hillary. He promised that he would pay off the national debt in eight years. He promised to be the greatest jobs creator in American history. He promised that the rest of the world would not longer laugh at the United States, and that the world would respect us, even though many around the world are literally laughing in his face these days. When elected, he promised to be the "president for all Americans."

A lot of promises, and a lot of things that he never was going to deliver on. 

One of the other things that he promised between the lines was that things would just get better and better, that Americans would get so used to winning all of the time once he was in the White House, that they would grow tired of winning.

It was all of these promises from Trump's big mouth that got him elected, especially in some rust belt states - particularly Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. 

Well, here we are. There are indicators that the economy is about to take a significant turn for the worse. And perhaps we should ask the former employees of General Motors if they are tired of all of the winning, or what passes for winning, since Trump took over.

All that winning...

General Motors employees rally outside of Ohio plant on last day published by the Daily News, March 6, 2019:


1 comment:

  1. Excellent....Well said. I think you just made my 'Favorite Writers List'. Bravo!!!!
