Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Trump - the President For All Americans - Tells Blackface Joke

There is a funny trend in recent years with people who say and do racist things, but then who adamantly deny that they are racist of prejudice in any way.

Donald Trump sure appears to be one of those people. He called Mexicans entering the United States as "criminals and rapists." He referred to dozens of countries in Africa and Central America, as well as Haiti, as "shithole nations," and then wondered aloud why the United States cannot get more immigrants from countries like Norway (that is hardly a mystery, by the way, as countries like Norway enjoy a higher standard of living than the United States does). He wanted to set up a national registry of Muslims, and wanted to halt all immigration from Muslim majority nations. He had a hard time specifically criticizing outright Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, and other white supremacist groups when they marched in an American city and incited violence, to the point when even many of his close political allies began to squirm and feel uncomfortable. And before all of that, of course, there was his condemning the Central Park Five, and claiming that they deserved to be put to death, before all of the facts came out. As it turned out, they were innocent.

Of course, Trump himself denies any racism. In fact, he has been quoted as saying that he is the least racist person you are likely to meet. That sounds like an exaggerated claim by someone who has never acknowledged his racist behavior.

As if not enough evidence, Trump recently told a black face joke. Here, according to an article by Laura Clawson:

Guests at the fundraiser weren’t allowed to have their phones out, lest anyone record Trump or another speaker saying something that wouldn’t play well outside a room full of wealthy Republicans. But many of them seem to have rushed out to leak stories about the event immediately afterward, with two sources telling Axios about what one called a “bizarre tangent” in which he described seeing Secret Service agents on the White House lawn over Christmas. “They’re in blackface,” Trump said, in what Axios described as a joking reference. And because of that, “so maybe they have to take them away.”

No, our "president for all Americans" is not racist at all, right?

Trump tells blackface 'joke' at Mar-a-Lago speech to big-money Republican donors  Laura Clawson   Daily Kos Staff Monday March 11, 2019:


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Charles....your honesty and writing is refreshing! Kudos. Love it.
