Monday, March 25, 2019

Another Parkland Shooting Survivor Commits Suicide

Very tragic news to report, as a second Parkland school shooting survivor has taken his own life. It is the second survivor of the shooting to commit suicide in a span of less than a week, leaving many to speculate about the longer term impact of surviving the horrors of such a shooting.

A male sophomore student who was at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during last year's mass shooting took his own life on Saturday evening.

It cannot be confirmed whether the mass shooting was linked to his suicide or not, and police have not released his name. 

Still, the reaction and calls for action are starting to grow louder:

“Now is the time for the Florida Legislature to help,” said Jared Moskowitz, Florida’s emergency management director and a former state representative from Parkland.

“Mental health is a bipartisan issue,” he posted on Twitter.

Second Parkland shooting survivor kills himself. Here’s what leaders are doing about it BY MONIQUE O. MADAN  MARCH 24, 2019

1 comment:

  1. In other depressing and related news, Jeremy Richman, the father of a little girl who was killed in the school shooting in Newtown back in 2012, has committed suicide as well. I'll send you the link via e-mail since they don't work here.
