Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trump Administration Accused of ‘Rolling Back Women’s Rights by 50 years’

“No, you can't deny women their basic rights and pretend it's about your 'religious freedom'. If you don't like birth control, don't use it. Religious freedom doesn't mean you can force others to live by your own beliefs.”

~President Barack Obama

The Trump administration has rolled back considerable progress that the country has made over recent decades in a number of ways, as it tries (pointlessly, I might add) to turn back the clock to a time that it finds more agreeable. The 1950's, perhaps.

We see it every day, and in a number of ways.

After all, let us remember that Trump's now famous campaign slogan is Make America Great Again. Many people who take exception to that phrase take particular issue with the "Again" part, because it implies a time when the United States was greater, or enjoyed a greater status, than it does today. And let's face it: a lot of people who glorify the so-called golden age of the United States, back in the 1950's and 1960's, conveniently overlook the blatant unfairness of the legal Jim Crow segregation system that existed back then. When those worries are hardly allayed when you see spikes in hate crimes, or when you see outright Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, and other white supremacist groups marching on American streets, illuminating their activities with torch lights. Those fears are, in fact, stoked, when those activities are not really clearly condemned by the President of the United States of America, especially one who claimed that he would be the president for "all Americans," yet seems time and time again to favor one particular group of Americans over all others.

Nor was racial segregation the only problem that existed during the supposed golden age of America. Mindless conformity and the dawning of mindless consumerism were beginning to rear their ugly heads. And there was blatant sexism, as women hardly enjoyed an equal status with men. In fact, just like blacks in the South during the days of Jim Crow, women were basically expected to know their place back in those days. 

Some people feel that the Trump administration is also trying to turn back the clock for women as well. By aggressively pursuing an overturn of Roe v. Wade, and not even pretending towards an unbiased agenda in that regard. By ignoring arguments about inherent unfairness and sexism at the workplace. By willfully ignoring violence against women and girls, even when the United States stands alone in the world in so doing!

Here are some aspects of a sad story showing yet another angle of the backwards mindset and approach by the Trump administration, according to an article by Maya Oppenheim for The Independent (see the link to this article below):

The Trump Justice Department’s definition only considers physical harm that constitutes a felony or misdemeanour to be domestic violence – meaning other forms of domestic violence such as psychological abuse, coercive control and manipulation no longer fall under the department’s definition.

Holly Taylor-Dunn, a senior lecturer at the University of Worcester who has been working in the field of domestic and sexual violence for 17 years, said she was shocked by the move.

 “I was massively surprised and really shocked," she said. "It is quite scary how quietly it has happened. It is a massive step backwards. We have literally gone back to the 70s. We have worked so hard since the 60s and 70s to get domestic abuse and sexual violence understood as being about more than physical violence. Changing the definition to take it back to being about physical harm completely undermines what domestic abuse is about”.

“Narrowing the definition will stop victims being able to access the services they need. Prosecutions for domestic and sexual violence will also fall because they are limiting it to the most severe forms of abuse so fewer victims are likely to come forward and seek help.

“The move sets a bad example. People look to America and the UK to be progressive on issues such as these. If America does it then other countries could quite conceivably think it is an appropriate response.”

The relentless, and pointless, pursuit of trying to rewind and go backwards, which the ultimate con man has tricked tens of millions of Americans into believing might actually happen.

This is the ultimate masterpiece by someone who has dedicated his entire life to being the best scam artist in history!

Here is the article I used in writing this, and the source of the quotes used above):

Trump administration ‘rolling back women’s rights by 50 years’ by changing definitions of domestic violence and sexual assault 'I was massively surprised and really shocked. It’s quite scary how quietly it’s happened. It’s a massive step backwards. We have literally gone back to the 70s,' says academic   Maya Oppenheim Women's Correspondent  @mayaoppenheim Thursday 24 January 2019:

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