Sunday, March 31, 2019

One Last Blockbuster Store Remains in the Entire World

Here is a picture of my old Blockbuster card. Yes, I still have it

Remember Blockbuster?

Those of us who were around in the late eighties and throughout the nineties, possibly even the early 2000's (don't really remember when they began disappearing) could hardly forget how this previously unknown chain suddenly took over everywhere, when physically going to a store and renting movies for the weekend or for nights off was a standard thing.

I remember how it seemed strange to me that this store got so huge, so quickly. How huge? Well, there was one year where one of the college bowl games was the "Blockbuster Bowl." I remember thinking how ridiculous that name sounded, and how it seemed to be a sign of the times. At the time, it seemed incredibly modern.

Already, it seems impossibly outdated, by way of comparison. 

Before long, though, they disappeared, seemingly crawling back out of the rock from which they came to begin with.

For a while, there remained some Blockbuster stores in remote locations, including in Australia, and a couple in Alaska. 

Now, however, there is exactly one Blockbuster Video store left, and it is in - of all places - Oregon!

Pretty strange, since I never really thought or Oregon as especially isolated, or anything. Kind of wonder why that particular store outlasted all of the others?

Anyway, yes, there is merely one Blockbuster left. Take a look at this link and read it. It is a blast from the past!

There's one Blockbuster store left in the world By BLAKE ALSUP MAR 06, 2019

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