Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Colbert Takes Collusion Off ‘the Extensive List of Reasons Why Trump is Completely Unfit to Be President

As Donald Trump himself is quick to do, conservative supporters of President Trump have been taking the apparent conclusion of the Mueller Report that there is no clear and irrefutable evidence to conclude that either Trump himself, or anyone else, was working with Russia to help Trump get elected into the White House, and suggesting that this means that Trump is completely and totally exonerated.

After a summary of the report was made public, and given the thumbs down by Trump's own handpicked Attorney General, Trump made some statements that made clear how much he feels sorry for himself:

“It’s a shame that our country had to go through this. To be honest, it’s a shame that your president has had to go through this. This was an illegal takedown that failed. And hopefully, somebody is going to be looking at the other side.”   

I sincerely and seriously do not understand how this man does the things that he does and says the things that he says, and is not so completely ashamed and embarrassed by his own conduct that he hesitates to show his face in public. Even more, though, it is a complete mystery to me how this man still has the loyal support of tens of millions of Americans, even after he continually acts like a spoiled child, time and time again. Truly, it is sickening, and as clear an indicator as we are going to get right now about the country's sharp decline. 

Clearly, I am not the only one who feels this way. At the very least, this president has no shortage of critics. They span the entire world, and many outside of the United States understand only too well just what Trump represents and the decadence that he symbolizes, even if they do not understand how so many Americans can still support such a man. And even here at home, many are completely disgusted with this man and his embarrassing conduct, much like I am.

One of those who feels that this man is clearly unfit to be president is Stephen Colbert, who conceded to Trump and other conservatives that collusion with Russia could indeed be taken off the long list of reasons why Trump is unfit to be president. 

Not surprisingly, conservatives were outraged that all critics of Trump were not completely and unconditionally apologetic after what they felt was complete and total exoneration of their president.

Personally, I think that Colbert's interpretation, with his extensive list of reasons to why Trump remains clearly unfit to be in the White House, was far more accurate than those who continue to defend his indefensible and inexcusable personal and completely unprofessional conduct. So, here is a video clip that seemed worth sharing:

Colbert Takes Collusion Off ‘List of Reasons Trump Is Unfit to Be President’

Robert Mueller Politics North America Campaigns Elections Donald Trump Mueller inquiry over, Trump plays favorite role: the victim By JILL COLVIN, March 26, 2019:

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