Saturday, March 9, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & the Far Right Fixation on Her

Everyone can see that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made an immediate impact on the American political scene right from the start. From the very moment that she defeated incumbent Democratic Caucus chair Joe Crowley, she became one of the rising political stars, and a hopeful candidate for progressive.

Conservatives, however, have lost their minds. Their fixation on her, and their relentless attempts to try and weaken her or make her appear to be a ridiculous figure have been as tiresome as they are predictable.

They attempt to do this in myriad ways. Many have tried to portray her as stupid or dumb, when she clearly is anything but. She is well-spoken, and pierces many inconvenient truths that clearly have driven elitist conservatives crazy.

Another way that they try to undermine her political legitimacy is by portraying her as sexy. She is an attractive woman, and one of the quickest and surest ways to effectively nullify anything else that a woman might offer is by focusing on her looks, or how sexy or hot you find her.

In fact, it sure seems like they are deathly afraid of her and what she represents, which would be an awakening to a lot of the nonsense that far too many Americans accept and often believe, and which also just always seem to happen to benefit the wealthiest Americans. For far too long, Americans have believed enough in the discredited "trickle-down economics" that seem to win election after election (and it's not just Republicans who subscribe to these policies, by the way), and it has gone a long way towards widening the gap between rich and poor. Since Reagan took power and ushered in a whole new era of elitist, trickle-down policies, the living standard for a vast majority of Americans have sharply declined. Meanwhile, the wealthiest few in the United States have never had it so good. And this trend just keeps going and going, of course.

Ocasio-Cortez, or AOC, as she is often known these days, has threatened this measure of security that the wealthiest few have had, and the political order that they have clearly established for themselves. That is the real reason behind all of their hatred, and it is actually quite transparent, if you are paying attention.

Luckily, none of this has dissuaded her from what she believes to be right. Clearly, she has remained outspoken, and has continued to reveal piercing truths about just how crooked and rigged the political system in this country really is, and she has done so in a much more forthright manner than Trump, who made these same claims, but then only reinforced elitist politics once actually in power.

Here is a link to an article where AOC talks about the most valuable advice that she received from a political ally, Bernie Sanders:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shares the best piece of advice she got from Bernie Sanders by Emma Newburger, , 28 Feb 2019:

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