Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Big Tech Now Using Their Wonderful Technology to Hasten the Destruction of the Planet

Incredibly depressing news, even if it is simultaneously revealing. Indeed, sometimes ignorance truly is bliss. 

Of course, ignorance is also irresponsible, and it is the major problem that this world, and particularly the United States among advanced nations, is dealing with. For entirely too long, Americans have not only been allowed to believe whatever they want to believe, but have been actively encouraged to do so. The results speak for themselves, and we are now dealing with the consequences of believing only what we want to believe for decades now. 

No single nation is powerful enough to keep the United States in check, and the United States has done more to empower these nameless, faceless major corporations to effectively destroy this planet and plunder all of our limited natural resources, all in the name of short-term profits. And the cost is growing ever more apparent and unavoidable.

The planet is getting hotter, and climate change is real, even if, once again, we find that Americans in particular often elect leaders who are skeptical of the science behind it - often without even a clue about what scientists actually have predicted.

This is how corporations gain control over our government, and then set an agenda that harms people, and not just with low-paying jobs. Here, they are once again trying to rid themselves of any limitations to their greed and desire to exploit the limited resources of our beautiful, natural world. America's national parks are under attack under the Trump administration, and he also wants to impose offshore drilling literally everywhere that he can. Corporations can pollute more freely under Trump, and now, Big Tech is getting in on the game and helping Big Oil out.

How depressing!

Here is the video from Redacted Tonight to explain this grim reality in greater detail:

Big Tech Joins Big Oil To Help Destroy The Planet

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