Thursday, March 28, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Still Does Not Get Why Rigging Primaries Was Wrong

Despite the devastating defeat in the 2016 election - one of many hugely crushing, humiliating and devastating losses that the Democrats have suffered in my lifetime - there are still many signs that the mainstream old guard of the party just does not get why they keep losing.

Recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that she failed to "see anything inappropriate" about the way that the Democrats rigged the primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton. First, the field was cleared of any opponents, until a then relative unknown named Bernie Sanders decided to buck the trend and run for the White House as a Democrat. Then, Hillary asked the Democratic leadership for help, and got it! They tried to discredit Bernie Sanders and spread false and misleading information about him, portraying him as a candidate for angry whites, and trying to make him appear almost like a Donald Trump for the Democrats.

Next, of course, the Democrats officially nominated Hillary Clinton, even though polls suggested that she was trailing Trump.

And guess what? 

She lost.

Clearly, Pelosi and many mainstream Democrats have not learned the lesson, and that is why I am beginning to seriously think that Trump will be a two-term president. Possibly more than two terms, given the way that our democracy is now quickly eroding, and the refusal of mainstream Democrats to offer a serious opposition to it all, opting instead to play it safe and be a somewhat more moderate version of what Republicans are already offering.

That is why the more things change in this country, the more they stay the same. And if you want real and meaningful change, you have to turn away from those mainstreamers!

Here is the link to the story:

Pelosi: “I Don’t See Anything Inappropriate” In Rigging Primaries by Caitlin Johnstone Rogue journalist. Bogan socialist. Anarcho-psychonaut. Guerilla poet. Utopia prepper. Apr 26, 2018:

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