Friday, March 22, 2019

Mueller Report Will Be Released Very Soon, But Will Likely Change Nothing in the U.S.

Trump and many political allies of his have been complaining about how long the Mueller Report is taking, although there was clearly a lot to investigate. Trump's favorite thing to dismiss this is to call it a "witch hunt," although a real witch hunt does not usually get nearly so many convictions and does not normally land so many people in prison.

But that does not stop Trump from opening his legendarily big mouth and giving his two cents worth (like with everything about Trump, that is well over the actual worth of his words). 

That said, I personally have my own doubts. Whatever the report reveals - and it does indeed appear that Trump's team, and possibly President Trump himself - had some measure of collusion with Russia prior to the 2016 election - I remain skeptical about two things that some, if not most, Trump detractors still seem to strongly attach themselves to.

First, I do not believe that this was the reason that he won the election. Keeping in mind that in any normal democracy, he would not have won the election at all because, well, he did not win the popular vote. In fact, he lost be nearly three million votes (2.7 million, to be precise). But Hillary lost officially because she was a mediocre candidate. The polls showed her trailing Trump before she received the nomination, and similar polls always showed that she was struggling, and was very disliked and distrusted. Also, she just lacked fresh ideas, and in typical Clinton political machinery fashion, simply attached herself to the popular, political profitable, rising ideas of the moment, regardless of whether her own record of the past contradicted these positions or not. The mainstream Democrats were so fixed on the idea that she was their candidate, that hardly anyone dared to challenge her in the primary, and it was unofficially seen as her nomination in the beginning. When someone finally did decide to run, it was a then largely unknown politician, who managed to garner a considerable national following because of his candor, his honesty, and his consistent history in championing an agenda that favored working class people, while Hillary made speeches about economic inequality and unfairness while wearing designer clothing that cost more than most average Americans make in several months. 

Secondly, I do not believe that Trump will be impeached, let alone removed from office. That does not mean that I do not think that he deserves it. Hell, this guy makes Richard Nixon and the Watergate debacle look like a petty little squabble among boy scouts around a campfire. If anyone ever deserves to be removed from office, it is Trump. The level of corruption and criminality is mind boggling. As far as I am concerned, he deserves to stand trial for his crimes, and he would almost assuredly be found guilty in a fairer, more adult world. Frankly, he deserves to spend the rest of his days behind bars, with all of the time to think about his crimes, and how his narcissism landed him there.

Unfortunately, that is not the reality. Republicans show no real evidence of even considering any of the mountains of evidence with this guy, and that goes well beyond the Mueller Report or the allegations of collusion with Russia. This guy is profiting from the presidency, which is illegal. There are all sorts of shady deals that he was involved with, and his conduct since assuming the presidency is undemocratic and worthy of removal from office. Yet, they will likely not budge, which translates to Trump getting away with it, yet again. 

So, my own suspicion is that the release of the Mueller Report will be just more of the same. What already was leaked was proof of criminal conduct against Trump for some, and it was refuted and completely disbelieved by his detractors as "fake news." In our polarized political climate, that seems unlikely to change.

This is not what I want to happen, mind you, but rather what I expect to happen. There will be more evidence against Trump, and maybe even more official inquiries. And once the smoke settles, and the debates on the political networks finally quiet down, Donald Trump will still be talking endlessly with his big mouth while in the White House, basically telling everyone "I told you so," even when the proof against him is frankly overwhelming. 

Of course, I could be wrong, and this is definitely one time when I would hope to be wrong.

So, let's see what happens.

Here is the link to the article on Robert Mueller delivering his report to Attorney-General William Barr:

Mueller Delivers Report on Trump-Russia Investigation to Attorney General by Sharon LaFraniere and Katie Benner March 22, 2019:

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