Saturday, June 25, 2022

Frasier: The Horror Movie Trailer (2022)

Today, I am really tired and have a bit of a headache at the moment, as I am writing this. While things are actually going pretty decently in my personal life, it feels like, once again, things are growing worse - and even far worse - for the United States. There was the bad news of Roe v Wade being overturned yesterday. There is talk of Texas possibly seceding from the Union....yes, again. Trump still has not been held accountable for his crimes.

But you know what? Screw all of that. It is the weekend, and even while I am at work, I generally like to relax as much as possible on the weekends. And that often means that my blog entries here should reflect that, as well.

So in that spirit, it seemed worth sharing a pretty amusing "trailer" of the old Frasier show, reimagined to lend it a horror movie feel. There were points where I actually laughed a bit watching it. Perhaps you will, too, if you give it a shot. 

My suspicion is that an actual, full movie like this would likely grow cumbersome and lack originality, that it would not work. But for a "trailer" of a little over a minute? It works very well, actually. 

Personally, my favorite scenes are of the dog running, and the very final scene, with the goofy music superimposed to a suddenly frighteningly intense Frasier. Good stuff.


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