Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Interesting Discussion on Real Time with Bill Maher

A little bit more on Roe v Wade's reversal on Friday, albeit this one with a bit of a comedic twist to it. Hey, it is the weekend.

This video I found interesting, 

Bill Maher gives credit to conservatives in terms of recognizing the long-term game plan and understanding the importance of the courts, particularly the Supreme Court, and wishes that liberals would, also. This is a point which I actually agree with. 

Another idea that's discussed here is that there appears to be no center in American politics. That both sides tend to gravitate towards the extremes, driving each other further and further apart from one another. On this point, I am not in full agreement. By my estimation, while that may be true in terms of the so-called culture wars, it is not true at all in terms of both parties being ridiculously corrupt and serving the hands that feed. That accounts for the profit first, de facto corporate agenda that both parties seem to agree on generally, and which hurts the standard of living of most Americans on a daily basis. Another thing that they both seem to agree on is that they (the two major parties) should be able to not just maintain but permanently entrench their dominance and privilege in American politics.

Finally, the idea of secession is discussed, with politicians in Texas having recently broached the subject, and promised to revisit it in the future. Maher says that it feels like there are indeed two different countries within the United States, something that he is not a big fan of. 

Overall, an interesting and thought-provoking clip, which is why it seemed worth sharing here. 

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