Monday, July 25, 2022

30th Anniversary of the ‘Singles’ Soundtrack That Helped Kick Off Grunge Revolution in Music in the 90's


Meant to post this last month, when this incredible soundtrack album actually turned 30 years old. Somehow, it slipped my mind.

Better late than never, right?

This was one of my favorite cd's for many years, and it still always takes me back to the nineties, reminding me specifically of how I felt when I personally went from a redneck New Jersey high school to a college, where the kids (and yes, they were kids, even though they seemed older and far more worldly than I was at the time) seemed a hell of a lot more sophisticated and knowledgeable about the world and how it worked. The music scene back in the early nineties was simply fantastic! I still miss those days.

The movie itself? It's not bad, actually. But not quite as good as the soundtrack, admittedly. Watching it, you can certainly see why the so-called "Seattle music scene" spread in popularity to reach across the country and even around much of the world. 

The ‘Singles’ Soundtrack Turns 30 | Anniversary Retrospective June 26, 2022 Brian Grosz:

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