Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Self-Defense Video Goes Bad, Become Source of Almost Unavoidable Laughs

Let me just say this: not all martial arts instructors will be as effective in their teaching as the fictional Mr. Miyagi from those Karate Kid movies. Some of them are, in fact, probably not all that great. And in a few cases, they have no business at all assuming that they are in a position to teach martial arts. But perhaps nobody has ever made a video like this, perfectly illustrating that fact for millions of people then to be able to watch and enjoy, albeit for reasons that the creator likely never intended. 

If you got martial arts instructions from this guy who apparently had the idea of making this video, please make sure to get a full refund after watching this video!

Not sure what he was expecting, or who he was hoping to impress. But it seems clear enough that he really is in no position to teach anyone much about actual self-defense. Time and again, he is bested, fooled, and has holes in his defense wide enough for one slap and kick in the ass after another to easily and repeatedly get through.

The result is this rather unintentionally funny video. At least, my guess is that this guy was making a serious attempt at a self-defense video. But it serves much better as a comedic video, one with the obvious message of the folly of assuming too much. Like, say, this guy actually being even close to ready and skilled enough to post a serious video of himself showing off his largely absent martial arts skills.


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