Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Mitch McConnell Bemoans Sense of Entitlement of Unemployed Americans

Earlier today, I posted a blog entry about one clear sign of American democracy's clear erosion. It is a process that began decades ago, and which seems to finally be bearing fruit for those neo-aristrocrats in Washington who conduct themselves with a growing sense of entitlement and impunity. Donald Trump, for all the talk among his supporters that he is a true American patriot and a voice of the common man (using that term not in a a sexist manner, but in a historical context) is, in fact, nothing if not a modern day aristocrat. It feels like both of the major parties are eagerly playing an active part of this new aristocracy. But the Republicans are doing so with particular vigor and eagerness, not to mention not even trying to hide their illegal power grabs. 

This feels like we are witnessing the death of our American democracy. What remains of it, anyway.

One of the most prominent Republicans who has enthusiastically engaged in this transparent corruption and power grab is Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. He has gotten incredibly rich during his Congressional tenure. Yet somehow, he always managed to cling to power. His state is one of the poorest in the nation, and it can hardly he be said that he has helped lift the state up. Still, he is entrenched in power, having been leader in the Senate for what feels like almost an eternity by Congressional standards.

Recently, McConnell has made some headlines with a frankly outrageous statement, given his own elitism. He spoke of many Americans who are not working and are, according to him, "flush" with money, and thus refusing to work. 

"You've got a whole lot of people sitting on the sidelines because, frankly, they're flush for the moment," the Kentucky Republican said. "What we've got to hope is once they run out of money, they'll start concluding it's better to work than not to work."

Is it not rather stunning, the transparency of the contempt that so many of these very prominent politicians have for the people they are supposed to be working for and representing? Again, all of this feel like clear signs pointing to the end of what remains of our American democracy, as well as our once lofty standard of living. This new aristocracy refuses to be denied, and they sure seem willing to bring down the whole democracy to preserve their privileges.

These are dark times.

Here is the link to the article from which I obtained the quotes used above:

Mitch McConnell says the labor shortage will be solved when people run out of stimulus money because Americans are 'flush for the moment' JULIANA KAPLAN,JOSEPH ZEBALLOS-ROIGJUL 6, 2022, 04:49 IST:

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