Saturday, July 23, 2022

Steve Bannon Found Guilty in Trial

Yes, Steve Bannon was found guilty beyond all reasonable doubt in his trial. Bannon was found guilty for contempt in defying the Congressional January 6th Committee subpoena.

His legal team had claimed that the dates were flexible, and were hoping this argument would succeed. It did not.

The prosecution likened Bannon's behavior to a child arguing with his parents after having been punished. After the closing arguments were made, the jury took just three hours, including a lunch break, to return the verdict: guilty on two charges. The sentencing will be held later, in October. Each charge carries with it a minimum of one month and a maximum of one year. We shall see what happens in the coming months.

Meanwhile, Kirschner briefly discussed the January 6th Committee hearings, and summed up his belief that for three hours on January 6th, during the armed insurrection (I personally believe it was a failed coup attempt) of the Capitol building, Trump was the leader of the insurrection and not the leader of the country. He failed in his duties to uphold the Constitution of the United States, a sentiment that I fully agree with. 

FOX News refused to air the proceedings. Not a huge shock. Yet, it serves as further proof - as if any more were necessary - that they frankly do not qualify as a legitimate source of news. They are only mere propaganda, and their refusal to show it was frankly shameful. 

Now, let's hope that Trump himself finally gets indicted. 

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