Friday, July 15, 2022

X- Mas Pictures Recently Unearthed

Recently, I ran into these two X-mas pictures, which I had forgotten about. I cannot even specifically remember taking the one of my parents and my son. It seems that I took it without their knowing about it. And to be sure, I cannot even be certain whether it is a Christmas picture, or perhaps instead a picture taken from last summer, before my father''s health deteriorated. They were coupled together, so my original assumption was that they were from Christmas. Looking at the picture a little more closely, however, it could have been at any time of the year, really. 

In any case, the picture may show some of the character traits of the different generations. It shows my son focused on his laptop, while my father has a book open on his lap, while he is actually watching the television, at least at the moment when I snapped the picture. My mom seems to be on the phone, possibly with my brother, although there is no way to know for sure. One thing for sure: it was taken in Hornell, probably around one year ago or beyond.



  1. I know I look older than my age, but only one of your parents is in the picture with your son. In all seriousness, an eye examination might be in order.
